Is the Clown Car Caucus about to expand? The infamous Sarah Palin has decided she’s the best person to replace long-time U.S. House of Representative Don Young of Alaska, who recently passed away. When you think they can’t get crazier, the loony bin opens up, and another one escapes to join their merry group of carnival barkers.

The irony, of course, is that Palin is the undisputed and groundbreaking founding member of the illustrious and growing team of crackpots and conspiracy theorists who currently make up a sizable chunk of the GOP. That’s right; without her, we may never have seen the likes of Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) and Lauren Boebert (Colo.) – or Donald Trump. What a tragedy and catastrophe that would have been for all of us who revel in the comedic buffoonery.

Perhaps the people of Alaska will decide Palin should stick to appearances on Fox News and elect someone different. I suppose that’s being a bit optimistic, but it’s possible nevertheless. After all, there are multiple people ready to compete in the primary to replace Young. I suspect that her celebrity and ability to be as Trumpy as the best of them will win the day.

Unfortunately, Palin’s entry into our national political consciousness rests with one man: John McCain. The late Senator from Arizona, a man I respected and admired, severely damaged his reputation and legacy by choosing her as his vice-presidential running-mate in the 2008 presidential election. It was an act of desperation that started with a bang but ended fizzling spectacularly. It’s not the only reason McCain lost, but it certainly contributed mightily.

I remember working the day after he announced Palin as his running mate. The reaction among many of my co-workers, at least those who paid attention to politics, was overwhelmingly positive. They thought it was “brilliant,” “bold,” and “thinking outside the box.” Of course, that was before she started to talk. Soon, the accolades thrown in her direction became a deafening silence.

There wasn’t much in between the ears, in other words. But Palin was good at something that Trump perfected into an art form. When it came to grievance politics, she was pretty damn good. Who can forget her infamous quote about Barack Obama “palling around with terrorists.” From a typical Republican voter’s perspective, it was brilliant. Going after Obama, a person of color with a funny name, Palin was ripe for the crazies, even back then.

Unfortunately for Palin, though, her life after failing to win with McCain in 2008 hasn’t panned out very well. She’s failed at a few ventures, including a gig paying her a million bucks a year at Fox News. It’s pretty pathetic she couldn’t even cut it at Fox. But it doesn’t matter much in today’s world of crazy politics. Failing at business or anything else is merely an afterthought in today’s GOP. All one has to do is look at the guy who won in 2016 – he of the multiple bankruptcies and other misadventures.

The failures of Palin, in other words, will not preclude her chances of winning Young’s seat. Because in our present political climate, it’s not about what you’ve done before but how good you are at owning the libs. And Palin, much like Trump, excels at it.

If she wins, she’ll fit right in. The culture wars will be running hot in this year’s mid-terms. Banning books, being anti-gay/transgender, and the perils of critical race theory will all be on the ballot in many districts this fall. While we certainly had cultural issues in the 2008 election, nothing back then comes close to the bigotry and far-right freak-outs we now see daily.

And it all means that Sarah Palin will have a fighting chance in the fall for victory. If she prevails, she will immediately vie for the craziest of them all. It’s a tough contest, to be sure, but is there anyone else more qualified to lead the charge against the “radical left?” Indeed, in her statement announcing her candidacy, she mentioned how the left was destroying the country, and she needed to join the fight.

Much like Boebert, Greene, and fellow Reps Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Madison Cawthorn (NC.), and Paul Gosar (AZ.), though, Palin will not offer much by way of policy. It’s not what they are in Congress for anyway. It’s about saying the most ridiculous thing you can and hoping a few clips show up on Fox and other right-wing media outlets.

Policy doesn’t matter much to most D.C. Republican politicians anymore anyway. Asked by a reporter what platform and policies they would offer if they were to win in November, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “I’ll let you know.” Palin will fit in nicely if victorious.

Palin would undoubtedly be first in line to be the de facto chair of the Clown Car Caucus. Yes, the others will have seniority over her, but nobody can question her crackpot brilliance. The others may have to defer and concede to Palin for the title of unofficial spokesperson. Surely a power struggle will ensue. But in the end, her legendary and pioneering status as queen of the crackpots will ultimately win out.

And the king of them all, Donald Trump, has endorsed Palin. Indeed her victory is all but assured.

90 responses to “Will Sarah Palin Join the Clown Car Caucus?”

  1. Not so fast, partner! Given that Palin’s popularity dropped from 93% to 54% during her couple of years pretending to be Governor of Alaska, and given that she resigned with more than a year left in her term, I’m not so sure the people of Alaska are ready to send her to Congress. At least, I hope not! If you remember, back in the day I awarded her the title “America’s #2 Bimbo”! Nothing I’ve seen since has convinced me that there is a brain behind that ugly face. But alas, partisan politics are alive and well, and the GOP has sold its soul to the lowest bidder, so perhaps Palin would fit right in. I shudder to think …

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hear you Jill. She does have 51 other people to deal with. That’s the number I’ve heard as far as folks running for that seat. I suspect many of those 51 are way crazier and pathetic than her. I think it will be fascinating to see how far she goes and if she gets traction of any kind.
      The thing is, I’ve lost so much faith in the American people these days. It seems we’re always on a race to the bottom. There are so many uninformed and, let’s face it, stupid voters anymore. Sometimes it depends on where you live I suppose. Alaska does have the ability to elect moderates-think Lisa Murkowski-so, maybe they will surprise us, eh? Hard to say Jill. I feel that the celebrity factor certainly plays into this. We shall see how it all plays out. BTW, I agree with the #2 Bimbo designation. But hell, I think she’s fallen from that stature now, what with Marj and Boebert running around. She has it in her, though, to supplant them both. After all, she’s the gold standard Jill!!! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The one thing in her favour, name recognition, might be enough to win her the election. Yeah, I heard there were at least 50 vying for the seat … and it’s possible that some of those would be even worse than Palin!!! And you’re probably right … there are so many more contenders now than there were back when I first awarded her that title in 2016. At the time, the #1 Bimbo spot went to Michele Bachmann, but even she has had the good sense to largely stay out of the headlines these days, having been replaced by Boebert ‘n Greene! Oh, but Bachmann did support Sarah Palin when she went to a New York restaurant back in January just after testing positive for COVID. So much stupidity in this world!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sigh. Ain’t that the truth? Millions of our fellow citizens Jill. That’s what is so damn scary

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      3. Has our education system failed so badly that people today are basically uneducated? Sigh.

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      4. I really believe that’s part of it.

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      5. Jill Dennison, watch a Mark Dice interview and there are people who will believe that we declared Independence from Mexico and any other places than from England. There are people who believe that Hillary Clinton should repeal the Bill of Rights. There are people who believe that Bigfoot is real. So to answer your question, the answer is yes.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Yes, it would seem we are failing badly. Sigh.


      7. Jill Dennison, what exactly is your issue with Sarah Palin?

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      8. Does “brainless twit” answer your question?

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      9. Jill Dennison, she has more of a functioning brain than Joe Biden.


      10. OK, rag. So you don’t like Biden as president. But to continually deride what you believe to be his mental acuity is not –and should not– be part of the discussion on his politics and how he has run the country. Stick to the FACTS. Stop being influenced by the dissidents that are preying on your emotions.

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      11. Nan, if there was an occasional foot in mouth gaffe, that could be overlooked. The issue is with the fact that he has clear dementia displayed and it is only mitigated because he is juiced up on medications to give him the appearance of lucidity. The only thing that is worse is Kamala Harris being in the White House because she is dumber than a doormat.


      12. Have you been present when he is being “juiced up on medications”? If not, you cannot state this as a fact.

        How would you feel if I were to refer to YOU as dumber than a doornail for your political beliefs? While I may disagree with most all of your perspectives on politics and/or how this country is being run, I would NEVER attack your mental acuity for what you believe.

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      13. Nan, if it was proven that any lucidity he has was maintained without medication, then I will recant my original sentiment. Seeing that he seems to have limited lucidity, I wonder if it is staged to gain sympathy.


      14. Clear dementia, diagnosed by who, you? Juiced up on medications according to who, you? Are you an MD?

        Liked by 3 people

      15. Brookingslib, neither. I can just tell by the way Joe Biden talks when he is speaking.


      16. Just as an FYI, rag … I am in my 80’s. I often say a word that isn’t correct … or I forget a word when I’m speaking. Since you are “diagnosing” Biden as having dementia, does this mean I also suffer from it?

        Liked by 2 people

      17. Nan, you suffer from confirmation-bias. There is a difference between the 2. I recall asking you if you were sober when you write your blog posts. While that was uncalled for, you got unnecessarily aggressive with me when I asked you on your book worm post if you read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Up until that time and before my comment asking if you were sober when you do your blog posts, I do not recall being overly rude to you otherwise. While I find sarcasm to be funny in certain contexts, yours was over-the-top.


      18. You, rag, are the most insulting person I’ve ever read on any WordPress blog. Plus, it’s quite obvious you carry grudges. I feel sorry for you.

        Sorry, Jeff, but he’s getting personal. I will not be interacting with him anymore.

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      19. Nan, whatever you say, genius! Brookingslib, I have no real personal beef with you. The issue is that you are being fed disinformation about a lot of things from your preferred sources.


      20. I don’t blame you, Nan. I only let him on here because his views are the opposite of mine most of the time, and I want differing viewpoints. But, as you know, much of what he’s saying is downright bonkers or worse. My patience is NOT absolute.

        Liked by 2 people

      21. My patience is NOT absolute. — You have MUCH more than me!

        I agree different viewpoints make a blog interesting, but when the same things are repeated again and again and again … well, all I can say is you have MUCH more patience than me.

        Liked by 3 people

      22. I totally get it.

        Liked by 2 people

      23. Nan, you mentioned being in your 80s? That explains your crotchety attitude.


      24. Nan, you seem to be more coherent in your written comments than Joe Biden is in spoken words.


      25. Brookingslib, he has fumbled over his words and when he gets out of the Presidential limousine and up to the podium, he has been seen falling again and again.


      26. The American people saw Palin for what she was: an unmitigated disaster who was barely qualified to be a Walmart greeter. Apologies to Walmart greeters everywhere.

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      27. Brookingslib, you get your information from sources that have even less credibility than Infowars.


      28. So the Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post etc..half less credibility than the guy ordered to pay millions to Sandy Hook parents for saying the shooting didn’t happen? My friend, please go elsewhere. It’s getting downright ridiculous.

        Liked by 1 person

      29. Brookingslib, you missed the point. Infowars has limited credibility on a lot of things, however, when they report facts honestly, credit should be given where it is due. The same is true regarding other news sources, be they Left-leaning or Right-leaning.


      30. “limited?” Wow. Just when I think you couldn’t be any more ridiculous. I’m done. You’ve worn out your welcome here.

        Liked by 3 people

      31. Whatever you say, old man!


      32. Brookingslib, in case you did not get the memo, I was not attacking you. Regarding Infowars, I was being more generic, however, out of all of the contributors, Alex Jones has the least credibility insofar as I can tell. So my statement was meant to be in agreement with you, hence the phraseoplogy limited credibility.


      33. Brookingslib, even more ridiculous is the fact that Joe Biden needs directions to do various things and told what to sign when bills get to his desk. He’s totally shot.


      34. Well … well. Look who’s come out of the woodwork with his “highly” informed opinions of the nation’s politics and other related topics.


      35. Nan, you mentioned being in your 80s at one point. That must make you the ultimate genius.


      36. Of course! Glad you noticed.


      37. Nan, I was being a smart-ass with that comment. You like to deal in sarcasm? Consider my response as bad karma.


      38. Hi Ragnar. I’d hoped that Joe Biden would decide not to run. I think 80 is too old to be president, no matter who it is. That said, I will proudly vote for him, especially if it’s against the most corrupt, dangerous man in America, your hero Donald Trump. Joe Biden could be drooling in a wheelchair, being fed by his wife, and I’d still vote for him over the previous so-called president. The man you say is totally shot has righted the ship in America. Too bad you’re too blind or unwilling to see it. Have a nice day.

        Liked by 1 person

      39. Brookingslib, in a roundabout way, you had implied no further interest in getting comments from me after I mentioned the belief that Infowars in general and Alex Jones both have a credibility problem. Read my comment with the word limited again and get the actual context. The point I was making with that statement was that he should be given credit when he is right and dismissed when he is proven to be wrong. The age disparity between Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump is not that significant, however, Joe Biden has to be told what to do instead of thinking for himself.

        Unless and until we can have a more rational discussion, this is the last time I will comment or respond to you. After your seemingly abrupt response where you told me to spout my b.s. elsewhere, a comment that was baseless, by the way, you were deleted from my followers list.

        Regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, I do not recall attacking him directly. However, he was accused of funding the research in Wuhan, China with NIH money by Rand Paul and never actively denied it.


      40. Feel free to do as you please. I let you spout a lot of BS on this site, btw. I deleted some of your comments because they were downright ridiculous and conspiratorial. The fact you pay attention to anything Jones says is troubling. Good luck with your own blog.


      41. Brookingslib, the key word in my one comment regarding anything that Alex Jones says being credible is limited. Limited in that context meant that when he is proven to be correct about anything deserves some level of credit. When he is either wrong and has no facts in his favor or just rants about things for the hell of it, that is when I generally elect to not pay him any mind.


      42. Understood.


      43. Brookingslib, I would have been happy to add clarification to my one comment with the phraseology limited credibility if you had actually asked for the context. The issue is that I don’t recall being too rude otherwise.

        Regarding the situation with Sarah Palin, I agree that she can be clownish in her own way. The issue that is overlooked is the fact that both sides of the political aisle are full of clowns.


      44. We’ve been over it a thousand times. Both sides are NOT the same. It’s not even close


      45. GOOD GRIEF! Sarah Palin is VERY old news!!

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      46. Nan, when John McCain picked her as his VP running mate, I believe it became the official starting point for the clown show the GOP has now become. What a great thing to be remembered for!

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      47. Brookingslib, whatever you say. They engage in name-calling and vicious arguing in a public setting and yet very likely attend all of the same gatherings behind the scenes. You are not going to convince me and I am not going to convince you.


      48. On that last point, I agree 100%

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      49. Brookingslib, when I said that democrats and republicans are largely the same, you missed the point. I was indicating that both Parties are essentially owned by corporations and that they duke it out in a public setting but attend all of the same gatherings behind-the-scenes. If you are unable to see the fact that it is nothing more than a carnival sideshow act, however, the clowns are not there for our amusement, then it is pointless to explain the distinction between them.


      50. Just about any meaningful legislation in the past 50 years that has benefited the working men and women of this country has come from the Democratic Party. Things that benefit the fossil fuel companies and the like, has come from the Republican Party. Do you not know this?

        Liked by 2 people

      51. Brookingslib, that is revisionist history. Both sides do things that benefit the fossil fuel industry. Both sides talk about things related to the environment and yet the democrats deal in hypocrisy in this matter. Al Gore’s global warming talking points are disingenuous. He is as much a crackpot regarding that issue as Alex Jones is about the 2nd WTC attack being an inside job. The only difference is that Alex Jones talks about it and Al Gore talks about the environment and yet flies all over the place with jumbo jets that unload fuel emissions that are polluting the environment that he claims to be so concerned about.


      52. Al Gore and Bill Gates both travel on private jets from time to time. I’d venture to say both have done amazing work highlighting the dangers of climate change. Gates has invested billions. Gore has warned about climate change for decades, and does other things to limit his carbon footprint. Spare me the outrage.
        I remember GOP Senator Imhoffe of OK bringing a snowball into Congress several years ago to try and show, through a political stunt, that climate change is a hoax. Now, we’re seeing in real time what is actually occurring. We’re screwed.
        Do you believe in global warning? Or, are you choosing to put your head in the sand like most right-wingers? Again, one party is trying to address it. The other party investigates Hunter Biden’s dick pics. What a disgrace.

        Liked by 2 people

      53. Brookingslib, global warming, assuming that is such a thing, is probably just a talking point by people who virtue-signal about wanting to protect the environment and yet do things that pollute it.

        Back to the subject of Sarah Palin and what you call a clown car circus, both sides are full of clowns. The only difference between them and those in a circus is that circus clowns are for the purpose of entertainment. You probably don’t know this, however, before air conditioning became a thing in Washington D.C., something that gave people an incentive to perpetually stay in elected office for one term after another, they typically did their jobs and went home.


      54. Perhaps the radical right will wake up when no seafood is left in the ocean. Even then, they’d probably blame the left, as would you. Once again, for the thousandth time, both sides are NOT the same!

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      55. Brookingslib, tell that to the war hawks, they being in both of the 2 main parties. If you require a history lesson, look at the shit show in the Middle East. We had no business being in Iraq, however, that situation cannot be undone. Who went along with it? Democrats and republicans. Any person who wants to denounce George W. Bush as being guilty of war crimes, something that is unproven, should go after the Congress, the source of the power to issue declaration of war and prosecute all of them or at least the people who went along with it.


      56. Bush lied us into Iraq, and yes, many Democrats went along with him. Huge mistake. It was after 9/11, and if you didn’t support Bush, you were called unpatriotic and lambasted as weak on defense. Many of them wish they could get that vote back-in hindsight.
        You can try and pull examples going back decades where Dems and R’s made dumbass decisions. But make no mistake, in this day and at this time, the two parties are not the same. The vast majority of Rs are crackpot MAGA extremists who have no agenda other than to keep power under any circumstances. Meanwhile, their hero cult leader will spend the rest of his life fighting in court, and hopefully, rotting in jail. What a sad and pathetic political party,

        Liked by 2 people

      57. Brookingslib, you indicated that I have a credibility problem because I listen to some of the things that Sherri Tenpenny has said on some things. Listening to people’s thoughts and explanations on things does not necessarily indicate agreement. Example: I shared a video of an exchange between David Pakman and Ben Shapiro talking about the gun issue. I agree more with Ben Shapiro in terms of an ideological sense, however, I thought that David Pakman handled himself without making the situation too personal.


      58. You’re right. I do question anyone’s credibility if they listen to a crank like Tenpenny. To me, folks like that have no place in our political/medical discourse. The same holds true with some folks that call themselves Democrats. People like RFK Jr., for example. That guy, at one time, did a lot of good on climate change, but has since sailed off into la la land. I cannot take the man seriously anymore. Thus, I do not listen to him. Yet, right-wing media put these folks out there as some sort of ‘experts.’ It’s troubling and dangerous.

        Liked by 2 people

      59. Brookingslib, there is a difference between listening to people in order to get a different take on things and blindly believing everything that is said without question. Want to know who I get my information from as a primary source regarding these so-called vaccines? Robert W. Malone, the inventor of the MRNA technology, something on which these so-called vaccines are based.


      60. Brookingslib, that is absolutely laughable.


      61. 🤣🤣🤣 In your dreams, Rag!

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      62. Jill Dennison, you are just as disinformed on this issue as the people who claim that 9/11 was an inside job, that the Covid jabs are safe and effective and also how Joe Biden won the election fairly.


      63. Ivermectin is a cure. Bleach and infra-red laser beams were touted as possible cures. Hydroxychloriquine is another one. All were touted by the guy you say is more mentally with it than Biden. Give me a break. Again, it’s time for you to look elsewhere to spout your BS.

        Liked by 2 people

      64. Whatever you say, good sir.


      65. Brookingslib, a lot of cases of successful early treatment with these therapeutics were successful. Those have been used successfully in humans, particularly Ivermectin, something that has more uses than just as a horse de-worming agent.


      66. Yeah, right … I hear you. Keep on talking to the hand, Rags, for I’m not wasting time to argue with you … I’ve got more important things to do with my time.


      67. Jill Dennison, your really not worth wasting my time on either.


      68. You’re being too kind, Jill!!! LOLOLOL

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      69. Thanks, Jeff!!! When responding to an arrogant arsehole, one must learn to not take it all too seriously, but have a few good laughs. And let’s face it, Ms. Palin is certainly a laughable creature! So full of herself, just as Rags is!

        Liked by 2 people

      70. Anyone who did not see her for what she was is either clueless or delusional. Or both!

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  2. “As I’ve watched the far left destroy the country, I knew I had to step up and join the fight”. What does this woman know about The Far Left? I live in the Far Left. The closest is Bernie Sanders and even then the UK Far Left would be picking holes and complaining to their hearts’ contents. And since ‘destroying a country’ takes a while am I to assume she’s including Trump’s tenure in the Whitehouse?
    I’m nominating that as her Most Politically Ignorant Remark, and that’s against some other pretty stiff examples.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    SHUDDER!! … “The infamous Sarah Palin has decided she’s the best person to replace long-time U.S. House of Representative Don Young of Alaska, who recently passed away. When you think they can’t get crazier, the loony bin opens up, and another one escapes to join their merry group of carnival barkers.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Dr. Rex!!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I agree with much of what you said in this post. But I think you were a bit too harsh on John McCain. It was my impression that he really wanted Joe Lieberman as his VP candidate, but the Republican party pressured him to go with Palin.

    McCain was an old fashioned Republican, who still held to the idea of public service. But the party had already changed to making culture war issues central.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I kind of agree with you Neil. However, it was he who had to ultimately make the final decision. Steve Schmidt and others, if I remember correctly, did push him to choose Palin. I bet you McCain regretted the decision very early on. It really was an act of desperation. They knew Obama was going to be tough to beat.
      The truth is, though, it was a massive swing and miss. And I don’t really know if it would have mattered who he picked at that point. The momentum Obama had was too much to overcome. Unfortunately, choosing her opened the door to the loony tune GOP we’re seeing play out across the country. For that alone, I will always see McCain’s choice as a huge mistake.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t think of a more appropriate place for her likeness to be! LOL

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  5. Excellent and witty post, Jeff. As to Jill’s question about whether our nation’s education system is failing, I’d say, overall, no. Could it do better? Yes. But, as I’ve said before, I place most of the blame for this craziness on my folks, white evangelicals, whose churches have turned into misinformation and disinformation factories. And, as I’ve also said repeatedly, the evangelical community went astray when it wedded itself to the Republican Party. That marriage ruined both entities, which is why I’ve left both. If they ever divorce and return to their original callings, I might return to them. Meanwhile, Republican politics + evangelical doctrine = lunacy.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Jerry. I saw a quote the other day on Twitter that someone posted that was attributed to former Senator Barry Goldwater. It was exactly what you are saying-that the Republican Party’s marriage with the church was going to be extremely problematic. He was worried about it when it started to gain steam. I think you could say he was a very wise man.

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  6. I Think Sarah Palin Is a member of Occult/Practiced Witchcraft

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t heard that. But nothing would surprise me about her.


    2. I Think Donald Trump Is run a Occult child sex trafficking at Mar-a-Lago


  7. Brookingslib and Jill Dennison, both sides are full of clowns.


  8. Brookingslib, the difference between clowns in a circus and the clowns in our government is the fact that clowns in circuses are more entertaining. The clown occupying positions of power are just there to serve their corporate owners.

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  9. Brookingslib, I had a typo in the second sentence. I meant clowns plural, not singular. Having said that, the democrats and the republicans are all clowns in their own way.

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  10. The Democrats for not taking hardball advantage of all the political crass errors the Republicans gifted them.
    In politics you do not play nice. And Nice Folk are not necessarily the best choice. While folk of questionable characters and motives might be doing domestic good, admittedly maybe for suspect reasons…but they kept the nation together.
    Teddy Roosevelt, Robert Kennedy, LBJ, even Nixon and Reagan would have demolished any or all of these folks, ruined their reputations so they could only run for small, small town deputy mayor…maybe…or just go back to chiselling a living.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to hear from you Roger. I agree. Dems are notoriously weak when it comes to confronting Republicans. They play to win Dems play by the rules. It’s very disheartening.

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      1. ‘Mr Smith Goes to Washington’ and ‘Dave’ were sincerely meant films. Both you would wish to be plausible in their own ways.
        ‘Slattery’s People’ and ‘West Wing’ were very good TV dramas.
        Created by script writers and moulded by directors, producers and actors, into places we wish were there.
        While we live in a reality in which folk can get nostalgic for Nixon and LBJ, excuse their demons and explain why they did what they did and wasn’t that a shame about those demons….I know I do.
        Sincerity is admirable but finger wagging just does not cut it.

        Liked by 1 person

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