Admittedly, I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift’s music. I’ll take a main entree of rock and roll, with a side of blues and reggae. That doesn’t mean, however, that I do not respect and admire her talent and the ability to generate enthusiasm among her millions of fans. She’s the real deal.

And right on cue, she’s hated and feared by the MAGA cult.

Remember, this is the crowd that, at various points in time, has hated or called for boycotts on Disney, Dr. Suess, Bud Lite, and a host of other persons or corporations that happen to espouse an opinion or action that the cult thinks is woke. Woke to the cult means anyone who tries to advocate for a more inclusive United States of America.

That means if you’re anything other than white and straight in society, you might as well leave the country or barricade yourself in a hole somewhere. Anyone deviating from this view is nothing but a snowflake libtard.

And, if you’re someone like Taylor Swift, who singlehandedly implored her followers to register to vote, and which hundreds of thousands obliged, you become public enemy number one to the cult. She represents a threat to their exclusionary vision of America. And, in 2020, she had the nerve to endorse Joe Biden for president – another grievance that puts her at the top of a long list of folks they despise.

So essentially, it’s no surprise that her recent visits to Kansas City Chief football games have produced the sort of caterwauling you’d think would only be reserved for someone who did some questionable or reprehensible things in public, a crime, or hateful comments. But no, it appears the one crime the cult is indicting for her is to have started a relationship with the starting tight end of the Chiefs, Travis Kelce. The other crime is that the TV networks show her in a suite cheering for her boyfriend.

The nerve.

I’ve been a sports fan for over fifty years. I love watching the NFL, NBA, MLB, and many other sporting events. It’s one of my passions. In all those years, one thing has been a constant, at least when it comes to nationally televised games: The camera pans the crowd and shows celebrities. Shocking, I know.

You couldn’t watch a game when the Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA played and not see the great actor Jack Nicholson. Not only did Jack have a courtside seat every game, so you couldn’t miss him if you tried, but the camera would always show him individually in his seat, cheering his favorite team on. They would do it several times during the game.

You’d also see Spike Lee at New York Knick games; you still do. Spike has a courtside seat, and the camera always shows his reactions throughout the game. When the Dallas Cowboys play, their owner, Jerry Jones, is always shown in his suite, living and dying with his team’s performances.

You get the point. It’s simply not a big deal when networks show celebrities. Except now, that is. The proverbial heads of MAGA world explode whenever they show Taylor Swift on the screen. Why? What is the big deal?

As said earlier, she endorsed and voted for the other guy in 2020. In addition, her future Hall of Famer boyfriend happened to be on the side of getting a Covid vaccine. He does commercials for Pfeizer promoting them, of which weirdo and anti-vax New York Jet quarterback Aaron Rodgers derisively gave him the nickname Mr. Pfeizer.

So, while we don’t know who Kelce voted for or even whether he voted at all, we know where his girlfriend stands. The simple fact that Kelce would endorse a vaccine shows that the guy believes in science, as well as helping people stay alive – a non-starter as far as the cult is concerned. He’s an enemy, along with Dr. Anthony Fauci. Remember, many of them want Fauci tried and convicted. Of what, I’m still not sure.

How can a big, tough guy like Kelce be a seemingly empathetic guy? He most certainly has to be part of MAGA world. He’s the prototypical athlete – flamboyant and outspoken. He must be one of them. Except he’s not. And that bugs the living hell out of them. And his girlfriend voted for Biden.

Anti-American libs!

It’s so ridiculous that they’ve come up with an insane conspiracy theory that the NFL is conspiring and fixing games so the Chiefs not only make it to the Super Bowl but win it, apparently so they can maximize profits by getting millions of “Swifties” to tune in. A Fox “News” talking head even called it a Pentagon PSYOP (Psychological Operations). You cannot make this stuff up.

They fail to mention, of course, that the Chiefs are now playing in their 4th Super Bowl in 5 years. How did they do it without Taylor?

There’s so much hatred in the world these days. While you can’t lay it all on the disgraced ex-president, I will put much of it on him. Being a jerk is cool these days. Saying terrible things about one another is now the rule, not the exception. We’re divided by gender, race, and just about anything else you can think of.

As I said, I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift – her music, that is. As for Taylor Swift, the person? Absolutely. She took a chance when she endorsed Biden in 2020. It could have backfired. What was the result? She’s currently the hottest celebrity on the planet, reportedly worth a billion dollars.

She’s taken a stand on domestic violence and sexual assault. She’s pro-choice and an advocate for gender equality and LGBT rights. She’s also spoken out against racism. When you combine all of her stances on issues and her activism for getting out the vote, you see why she is MAGA world’s worst nightmare.

This Sunday, I will be doing what over 100 million Americans will be doing: Watching the Super Bowl. I’ll have some alcoholic beverages and pig out on some unhealthy food. I’m hoping for a good game; nothing more, nothing less. However, I hope that Taylor Swift makes an appearance. I hear she’ll be in Japan as part of her ongoing tour. So, it’s unclear what her plans are for the game.

If she somehow appears, I’ll raise my glass and propose a toast: Here’s to as many MAGA tears as possible! I also hope Travis Kelce has a game for the ages. A couple of touchdowns and several receptions would be lovely.

Because in our current world of discontent, hate, and, yes, war, a three-hour diversion of two teams going at it is just what the doctor ordered. And if we get some stomach discomfort and minds exploding from the cult, it will make it that much sweeter.

47 responses to “Of Course MAGA World Hates Taylor Swift”

  1. 👏👏👏👏👏👏❗❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t understand many of the sports references, but completely agree with you re hatred, polarisation etc. Whatever happened to reasoned argument? Now it’s just a matter of petty, playground, jibes using a child-like vocabulary. Whatever happened to “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it?” Whatever happened to tolerance and respect?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Like I said in the post, I cannot blame Trump for all of it. But he certainly plays a major role, as does social media. There’s so much disinformation. You don’t even know sometimes what is real, and what is not. Negativity and divisiveness are highlighted. It’s a toxic mix, that’s for sure. And, I just don’t know if it can be fixed at this point.
      It doesn’t help when such a major figure in politics plays to that division-and thrives on it. I just wish he would go away. I know. Wishful thinking!


  3. MAGAts hate for any reason, or for no reason. Their leader sets the example, and they blindly follow him. It’s bad enough they have no idea why they hate, just that they
    And if they knew me, they would hate me too.But that’s okay, because their opinions are meaningless to me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good point, rawgod. Hating for the sake of hate. We’ve spent years trying understand why these people follow him. At some point you just have to say, it’s who they are. Nothing more, nothing less. They’ll follow him until he’s out of the picture, one way or the other.


      1. I don’t really know how to hate anything or anyone, though I am learning to hate Trump and his MAGAts. They are wrecking this world for us.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My sentiments, exactly.


  4. Ordinarily, I would root for San Francisco to win, just to see someone besides KC winning. But this time, I’m pulling for the Chiefs, in the hope that a Chiefs victory will cause every MAGA head to spontaneously combust. 🤯🤯🤯🤯

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m 100% with you!


  5. Hi. Interesting post. I have excerpts from a pro-Biden article on my blog that includes a video of Swift meeting with her dad, mom, and apparent business manager to discuss her decision to endorse Biden in 2020. Her father expressed fear for both her safety and the impact on her career. She passionately responded, saying “I need to be on the right side of history.”

    The conspiracy theorists will be disappointed when she doesn’t take the field during half time to endorse Biden. But I suspect she will endorse him at some point. She’s a strong, determined, fearless young woman who can’t help being a beautiful blue-eyed blonde whose positions are diametrically opposed to what the haters expect her to promote.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to hear from you Annie. I know about that video. It’s from a Netflix documentary. My wife and I have that on our list of things we need to watch. That clip, alone, changed my opinion of her. And, it goes right to why they cannot stand her. I totally agree with your last paragraph. Spot-on


  6. you’re one of the angriest, most derisive bloggers on the internet. if you hate and despise anyone who likes trump regardless of what else they may believe, then maybe people like you are the ones with the hatred in your black heart and empty soul. hoping that people will be angry during the superbowl is just disgusting. I don’t know why I even bother to read your vitriolic pathetic unhindged rants anymore. You make me so angry and that’s on me but i’m making the choice to never, ever read your blog again. You have lost a reader and I’m sure you’ll cheer at my decision. I hope you relish much happiness in spreading your hatred to those who decide to read it. You saying we need less hate in this world is the supreme irony.


    1. I disagree with your assessment. Whether you read what I write is on you, Scott. Most of time all you do is parrot the far-right talking points. You send me stuff from conspiracy theorists and the like and expect me to take what they say seriously.
      Yeah, I’m angry. I don’t like what the MAGA folks are doing to this country. You say Biden is my ‘messiah.’ That’s freaking nonsense. I’ve told you I wanted a younger candidate. I don’t wear a Biden hat. I don’t fly Biden banners at my house or have Biden bumperstickers all over my car. But I also know he stands for democracy. He’s had some impressive accomplishments. And I believe he stands as the only chance we have to prevent an autocratic dictator from assuming office and blowing everything up-literally. Did you see he basically said he’d be fine if Putin invaded other NATO countries because he wouldn’t lift a finger. In fact, he encouraged him to do just that. You think that’s fine, right? That’s your
      boy, Scott. Perhaps if you paid attention to other, more credible media outlets, you’d learn something. Good luck and take care.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ve blocked a couple of people like Blind Flight recently, who seem to have become mentally unhinged and unable to read words for what they are without going into orbit. Frankly, rather than campaign, Trump should be in for a psychiatric evaluation. His comment about NATO members today just reinforces that perception.

      Seriously, what’s the difference between a narcissist with an excessive love of money and the recluse with 100 cats or floor-to-ceiling stacks of old magazines? Hoarding is hoarding and when it becomes obsessive there’s a problem no matter what the item being stashed is.

      Of course, if I recall correctly, obsessions with nonsense theories and paranoia are in the APA manual. We may eventually blame the current rage and violence on the Covid virus and its impact on key areas of the brain involved in decision-making and emotional control. The dots are there to be connected.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I can’t argue with you Vic. What we’re talking about over the last three days is Biden’s age. Ok, we know he’s old. Not breaking news! But, as you said, Trump is out there making unbelievably dangerous and unhinged comments. The media? As muted as all can be. They’ve normalized him so much, him calling for Russia to go ahead and invade his neighbors barely registers. The man CANNOT inhabit the White House ever again. He just can’t.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. oh one more thing before I make my permanent exit. I agree with you that it’s stupid for trump supporters to hate Taylor because of who she voted for but remember, the other side isn’t exactly innocent either, they hate trump supporters, call anyone who didn’t want to take the covid vaccine anti-science, not stopping to even consider the fact that some of said people may have very compelling reasons of their own for not making such a medical decision. But instead of leaving well enough alone and letting people live their own lives, you and others like you feel the need to spew your contempt for anyone who thinks and believes differently than you do, the same things that you accuse your political enemies of doing.
    don’t drowne in the trump tears if they happen to come your way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you’re one of the angriest, most derisive bloggers on the internet.

      Takes one to know one.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I never said ‘my side’ is totally innocent. Dems aren’t perfect. More often than not, they are on the right side of history, though.
      As for Covid, the ex-president promoted snake oil cures and suggested injecting bleach or using a laser to get rid of it. He said it would simply disappear when the warm weather hit. He alone was responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths because of his reckless and ridiculous response. He even mocked people who wore masks. What a disgusting and disgraceful person he is. If someone supports a person like that, you bet I’ll make judgments on what type of individual they are. Again, good luck.

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      1. Let’s not forget that Trump sent several tons of our PPI equipment to China for use in treating COVID victims there and severely lessening the chances people in this country would get the treatment they needed. My son had COVID early on and there were no respirators available. He survived but still has problems related to that disease. To me that was treason of its own. China has been experimenting with germ warfare for a very long time.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks for reminding me of that fiasco. I’d totally forgotten. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of all the horrific things he did. It’s unbelievable he actually has a chance to win again. What in the hell are we doing?

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      3. I remember it mainly because of my son and daughter-in-law having COVID and no supplies available. It’s time for someone to send some Kool-Ade to MAGA and tell them Don wants them all to have a glass on him!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Great idea!!!!


    3. Blind Flight, you want “people left alone to live their own lives” but you don’t do that. The antivax movement thinks that it is making a choice that only affects themselves, when if fact that choice impacts others. I’m old enough to remember polio, and it most other people shared that memory, the antivax movement wouldn’t exist.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. And on cue, I just heard where Measles is having a resurgence somewhere recently. This on top of resurgences within the past couple of years. The dangerous unsubstantiated anti-vax rhetoric during Covid clearly is having an effect on vaccinations, period. Thanks Trump. Thanks RFK Jr. Thanks right-wing politicians. What’s next, SmallPox? Yes, Polio maybe? Sigh. The damage done by these people is unbelievable.


  8. Jeff, the Republicans cannot tolerate Taylor Swift. She tells the truth and encourages people to vote. How dare she do something so-unRepublican!! Doesn’t she know truth tellers had to leave Congress? Doesn’t she know Republicans only want votes to be counted by conservative casters? Doesn’t she know a true Republican must support the Big Lie? Shame on her. Keith

    Liked by 1 person

    1. PS – Jeff reading some of the comments, let me add one more as I am an independent and former Republican voter of 25+ years and former Democrat for 5+ years. I have shared the following with staff of many elected Republicans. I will NOT vote for any politician who supports Donald Trump for president. Full stop.

      Trump has 91 legitimate charges against him using words like sedition, election meddling and classified document mishandling. We must get to the bottom of them before the election. If he is guilty of any of these charges, he should not be president, I do not care what party he is from.

      Plus, he has been adjudicated (by loss or settlement) as a financial fraud in three cases in the last five years, had two defamation penalties one of which included sexual misconduct where the judge used the term digital rape. And, Fox News is out $1.1 billion (and counting) in two defamation cases where they admitted gaslighting their audience on behalf of Trump lies. In court documents, Fox emails indicated they knew Trump was lying and gaslit their audience.

      I often see MAGA supporters say that he has done nothing wrong. That is a naive statement. And, for all their support, he was still voted the 4th worst president in US history by 142 presidential stories.

      We need a viable conservative voice in this country, but the current Republican Party is not it and won’t be until to they move away from the illicit acting former president. That is what this independent voter thinks.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Note: that should say 142 presidential historians.


      2. What you are saying, Keith, are the facts. Everything in your statement is true. The fact that millions of folks don’t have a clue about any of those facts is beyond frustrating. All you and I can do is point out these facts and point them to other, more credible news sources for information. We’re all prone to stay in our little bubbles. But doing so only sows even more division. Good on you for trying to knock some sense into these elected officials. Their fealty to one man, the same man you correctly point out has no business ever setting foot in the White House because of his numerous corrupt and criminal behaviors, is a disgrace. Senators like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley are prime examples. I’ve never seen cowards and sycophants like this in all of my life. They should be ashamed. But, we know they have NO shame.
        Thanks again, Keith. I value your wisdom.


      3. Jeff, many thanks. People need to check multiple sources that focus on news not spin. When a news source has settled two of five defamation lawsuits and has multiple emails in court documents admitting they gaslit the public, call me crazy but maybe people should avoid them.

        Marco Rubio has totally disappointed me. Back in 2016, he was talking about climate change, diversity and a pretty good immigration Senate bill he helped pass. He could have been the future of the GOP at age 42, yet he decided to run as a 65 year old white Republican and away from his greatest legislative achievement.

        Ted Cruz has long been viewed as a grandstander and almost single-handedly caused the US to default on its debts until ten female Senators told him to get out of the pool so the adults could solve our problem within 24 hours of default. Cruz was once voted the least liked person in Congress.


        Liked by 1 person

      4. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, Keith, but it makes you wonder if Trump has damaging information on some of these people. Lindsay Graham is another one. Pathetic

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Wise words, as usual Keith. I couldn’t agree more. And, after last night’s Chief victory, the hate and vitriol on social media is even worse. What is becoming of us?


      1. Jeff, it was a great game to watch. I hate those one sided Super Bowls. As for the inane conspiracy theories involving Ms. Swift, my use of the word inane shares my thoughts. I am reminded of the naive North Carolina man who wound up in jail for four years believing Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was running a pedophile ring from a DC pizza parlor. She’s not perfect, but a pedophile ring, really? Keith

        Liked by 1 person

      2. An excellent game! I was on the edge of my seat at the end of that one. You couldn’t have asked for a better game, at least the 2nd half for sure. And yes, inane is a word that works for sure.


  9. hope you had a good time watching the game. I’d like to apologize for some of my more emotive characterizations of your writings, it was uncalled for me to characterize your blog the way I did. sometimes i really should take a couple of deep breaths before hitting that comment button, probably a lesson we can all benefit from.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scott, I’ve never banned you from this blog because I want to hear from the other side. As long as you don’t get personal or threatening, you’re welcome here. Remember, the main goal for me, on this site, is to forge a discussion. My views are from one side of the spectrum, and I usually advocate from that perspective. We can get a little heated in our defenses, but that’s ok. And, yes, we all sometimes get worked up. I certainly do. I don’t have all the answers. Nor do you. But, both sides do need to talk. Perhaps we can both learn something. Thanks for weighing in from time to time. I appreciate it.

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  10. While I’m extremely disappointed that a viable successor to Joe Biden hasn’t emerged from the Democratic party, I will still vote for a steaming pile of shit before I vote for Trump. No viable Republican Trump alternative is even more distressing. I’m thinking every eligible voter should register as a Republican to gain control of the primaries.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you, and my hope is that enough Americans also agree. And now, with Trump’s immunity claim gumming up the works, it’s more apparent than ever that we are the only ones that can prevent him from winning again. No court or entity is going to that for us. VOTE!!


  11. chiefs suck

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If that is the measure of sucking, then sign me up!


  12. The MAGA ultra-conservative crowd has certainly evolved; their most hated couple is a white heterosexual couple where the dude is a three-time Super Bowl champion and future Hall-Of-Fame inductee, and the woman is a tall, blond, immensley successful country-pop music star.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. This is who they are. And this is what we’re up against this November. We must defeat the ideology once and for all. Render them irrelevant. Unfortunately, in our world of Electoral College politics, they have a good chance of winning. We must overwhelm them. There’s no other choice.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, Trump’s minions are sneaking around manipulating voting districts and registration rights. Our mission is clear. We can’t let it happen again.

        Liked by 2 people

  13. I Think Taylor Swift Is a Icon🌹


  14. I Think the MAGA cult Is Just 💩


  15. I Think Taylor Swift Is a Stunning Woman

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I Think MAGA Is a Pyramid Scheme


  17. I Think MAGA movement Is a Despicable

    Liked by 1 person

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