Our friend Jerry over at Grumpy’s Grumblings has another post describing the increasing number of anti-vax zealots who continue to push their idiocy until, sadly, they meet their maker. Usually it’s in the ICU, hooked up to a ventilator. This is a must-read folks. I’ve included a link at the end to continue reading on his site. Thanks Jerry, for your compelling insights, as always!

Some rants are like pent-up magma; the longer they lie below the surface the more explosive and dangerous they become. So, before I wait any longer and begin spewing out-of-character profanities, I’m going to vent some slightly subdued steam. The steam won’t be as scorching or forceful as it would be if mine were among the few venting sites. Yes, others have fumed their outrage over this issue; I’m just joining the chorus—again.

I refer, of course, to the many braying anti-science anti-vaxxers. Most of us have seen news stories or video clips of these rabid rebels yelling at and trying to intimidate responsible citizens who wear masks, get vaccinated, and follow all the other science-based and neighbor-honoring COVID protocols. And, sadly, many—perhaps most—of these fuming folks are fundamentalist white evangelicals.

Sad Poetic Justice

But beyond the average self-righteous Trumpist Joe and Jane, even more perfidious are the many radio show hosts who spew this toxic anti-vax nonsense. And again, sadly, many of them are evangelicals, and many of those evangelicals are pastors. These folks might not have the following of a Tucker Carlson or a Laura Ingraham, but they still influence hundreds, some of them thousands, and a few even reach—or reached—tens of thousands of gullible listeners.

I used the past-tense, reached, because many of them have lost their platforms for peculiarly malevolent persuasion—not by media censorship but rather by a COVID-19-caused early departure from this life. Yes, the virus they mocked showed them—in the starkest terms—just how potent it is.

Included among these departed disbelievers are—as noted in this Business Insider article—Dick Farrel, who repented of his anti-vaccine views shortly before his death; Phil Valentine, who also changed his COVID views as he lay dying; Marc Bernier; Robert David Steele; Caleb Wallace, who tried every quack remedy but rejected the vaccine; Pressley Stutts; and, finally, Bob Enyart.

Among Enyart’s other appalling views and actions were his callous, un-Christian mocking of and vitriol toward gay people, and, worse still, his habit of “gleefully” reading the obituaries of AIDS victims while playing the Queen song “Another One Bites the Dust.”

Another One Bites the Dust

Enyart’s untimely death is as sorrowful as the death of any fellow human being made in God’s image, as we all are. But as sad an occasion as his death was, it does not erase his many reprehensible and treacherous assertions made to his radio audience and to his congregation. Yes, Bob Enyart was not just a radio show host, he also was the pastor of the evangelical Denver Bible Church in Wheatridge, Colorado, a Denver suburb.

Enyart, who gave one of his radio shows the ironic title “Real Science Radio,” claimed that human fetuses were used to develop COVID vaccines. That widely believed assertion requires a complicated and nuanced response, but, ultimately, Enyart’s claims missed the mark for scientific accuracy. Even so, Enyart, and many like him, have spread this dangerous belief, fueling the anti-vax hysteria, which in turn has opened the castle gates to the microscopic enemy that already has killed nearly 700,000 Americans.

Among Enyart’s other appalling views and actions were his callous, un-Christian mocking of and vitriol toward gay people, and, worse still, his habit of “gleefully” reading the obituaries of AIDS victims while playing the Queen song “Another One Bites the Dust.”

To continue reading, please click here: Grumpy’s Grumblings

36 responses to “Another Anti-Vaxxer Bites the Dust”

  1. Looks good, but did you forget to add the link?

    Sent from Mail for Windows

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s REALLY GOOD even without the link … but I’m looking forward to the compelling finish!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. As you might know, Nan, the common evangelical reply is that all these maladies are the result of “the Fall,” when Adam and Eve chose to go their own way and reject God. Then, the belief is, all will be restored when Jesus returns.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I sure did Jerry. I just added it. So sorry. That’s what I get for being away for a week!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I left this comment on grumpy’s blog, but wanted to share it here as well:

    The things that continues to baffle me is why do these individuals, who claim to be virtuous, righteous, and God-fearing, succumb to the virus just like all the “sinners” they rail against? And to go even deeper … WHY did God “allow” this virus in the first place, knowing that it would take the lives of many of his “faithful” servants? Hmmmm??? 🤔

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sorry for not adding the link Nan. My bad. It’s there now

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Denial might well work with Human Interactions.
    When Nature comes a’calling. Different story.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I left this comment.
    I personally feel insulted when someone suggests I am made in God’s image, as are all of us, That means I’;m supposed to have much more in common with this man and others of his ilk than I could possibly want. I have nothing in common with them, especially their beliefs. I am able to offer much more respect to my fellow man than they which would make me a better Christian if I believed in such.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, David. I’m not sure whether you disagree with the first part of the statement–about being made in God’s image–or the second part–“as are all of us.” I suspect you were referring to the second part. If my assumption is correct, I certainly understand your objection. I don’t like the notion of being grouped together with mean-spirited, intolerant people. My belief, however, is that every human is created in God’s image. That’s what the Bible teaches; theologians refer to this as “Imago Dei,” made in God’s image.
      My concern about folks–and I’m referring here to “Christians”–who reject the idea that every human is made in God’s image then find it easy to take the next step to saying that some groups of people are inferior and may be treated as less than human–as in the days of slavery in colonial America.
      My sincere belief is that every human being is made in God’s image–regardless of gender, skin color, height, weight, physical proportion, hair color, birthplace, beliefs, religion (or lack thereof), or any other differentiating factor. And because every human is created in God’s image, I must treat every human with dignity and respect–even those whose beliefs and behaviors I disagree with or abhor.
      I will continue to publicize my disagreement with bigoted, misguided people such as the ones I wrote about in the above article, but I will try to do so respectfully. If you catch me showing disrespect toward those I disagree with, please call me on it.
      Thanks for reading my posts, David.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I am not anti-vaccine. What irks me are the mandates.


    1. Oh really? It’s not like you haven’t shared your position on this issue a few dozen times! 😣


      1. Nan, if things like Planned Parenthood are funded with my tax dollars, something I find objectionable, by the way, it sure as hell should be my business if someone gets abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood. The same holds true for the vaccines. It may not affrct me physically, however, if it is affecting my wallet, that makes it my business by default.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m against my tax dollars going for wars, and tax breaks for fossil fuel companies and churches. I’ve got no choice in these matters, right?
        Vaccine mandates are absolutely constitutional and if you want to go on a plane or any other public transportation, you ought to have to show proof of vaccination. I’m sick and tired of the “Freedom” crowd. The most American thing to do, is be vaccinated to protect yourself and your fellow human beings. What’s sad is the complete selfishness and lack of compassion and caring from so many Americans. Frankly, I’m disgusted.
        And by the way, you’re told what to do on a daily basis when you walk out of your door every day. Stop signs, traffic lights, what you can and can’t wear in stores..etc…etc…It’s a ridiculous argument.
        I’ve never been more pessimistic about this country in my lifetime.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Brookingslib, unless and until the pro-abortion crowd shuts up about “my body, my choice,” I don’t understand the gripe that people who advocate for abortion on-demand have with people who say that they don’t want he vaccines because they don’t want it.


  6. As usual, it’s a false equivalence. What does a woman having an abortion have to do with you and other Americans protecting each other from a deadly disease? I fail to see your reasoning. And, btw, I don’t know who you’re talking about when you say “abortion on demand” That’s a non-issue and a right-wing talking point. Roe v Wade has restrictions and most Americans are ok with it.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Brookingslib and Nan, monetary costs for one. I also must note the fact that people who seem to be pro-abortion seem to have no issue with violent criminals being immune from the death penalty.


    1. Why are you so consumed with hatred toward people who disagree with you? Why do you make false accusations, such as “pro-abortion” and “violent criminals being immune from the death penalty”?

      Most of the people that I know are pro-choice but anti-abortion.

      I am opposed to the death penalty, but not because I believe violent criminals should be immune. I am opposed, because I have seen too many case of innocent people being falsely accused and convicted of crimes that they did not commit.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Neil Rickert, pro-choice is a cop-out position. If someone said that he or she was personally opposed to abortion but did not want to legislate the matter, I could take that seriously.


  8. “Neil Rickert, pro-choice is a cop-out position.”

    No, it isn’t. It is the position that the government should not force its decision on women. Most pregnant women will choose to have the baby.

    Yes, some people might make bad choices. Most people occasionally make bad choices from time to time. But they are still choices for people to make for themselves.

    According to this news report the rate of abortions today is lower than it was in 1973 (the time of the Roe v. Wade decision). We are actually making progress in reducing abortions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And much of that progress is related to birth control options — which the anti-abortion party ALSO rejects!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes Nan, they want to outlaw all abortions and do away with birth control. I cannot even imagine that thought process.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. IMO, it goes back to religion and the “command” to be fruitful and multiply. Of course, many other commands are totally ignored … !


  9. Brookingslib, an unwanted pregnancy is not a transmissible thing. Having said that, a virus, a disease or an underlying medical condition can also be an unwanted thing. To be honest, I was willing to consider the Pfizer vaccine, even the Johnson&Johnson option. Astrazeneca’s and Moderna’s options I had a significant degree of skepticism of for a multitude of reasons.

    Nan, even if I wanted the vaccine, due to my having Epilepsy, I am admittedly worried about the potential risk of irreversible brain damage or worse because of the virus or the vaccine. It basically feels like the medical equivalent of Russian Roulette.


    1. I hear there is a new one out. I think it’s called Noravax? Or something like that. They’re saying it’s a more traditional type vaccine that might convince folks like yourself to give it a try. FYI


      1. Brookingslib, I will look into it for further information. If you will indulge my curiosities, here are 3 questions for you: 1: For the Moderna vaccine specifically, have you heard or read anything indicating that it is better for one age group over another? 2: Have you heard or read anything either way as to if the Covid vaccines are better taken with or without food? 3: Insofar as your experience with what vaccine you had goes, was it favorable?


  10. Nan, vaccines should never have been a political issue to begin with. As mentioned, the only vaccine I cannot safely take, which I don’t need anyway, is the Pertussis vaccine for whooping cough due to my having Epilepsy. I already had whooping cough once and am essentially immune anyway.

    Brookingslib, I will concede to being careless with my words regarding the virus vs. disease talking point. The issue is in the issue of transmissibility of one vs the other. What they call thyroid disease is something that is referred to as a disease, however, is that a legitimate use for the term disease?


  11. “Nan, vaccines should never have been a political issue to begin with.”

    And yet you are one of the people who have been making it political.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Neil Rickert, how so? I just want people to be free to make their own decisions regarding vaccines and other medical or personal issues without being subjected to the judgement of other people.


    1. I was free to make my own decisions on the vaccine. So where is the problem?


      1. Neil Rickert, peer pressure is one problem. HIPAA violation is another.


      2. Neil, he just want to argue (discuss?) the issue. For some reason, he has a real problem just letting it go.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Yes, and that’s why I called it an obsession.

        He should have let go of this issue long ago.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Neil Rickert and Nan, unless and until Jeff aka Brookingslib asks me to not comment any further on this topic, even his blog, he is the only person who should decide if my comments are approved.


  13. Neil Rickert, I just wish that people would leave each other alone in this regard. This is also true about MDs not badgering patients about vaccine status. What about people who are looking for employment? Per HIPAA laws, no person can demand private medical information for that purpose.


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