One of the more prevailing narratives over the past several years by the mainstream media is how the Democratic Party is always in disarray. To hear some of them, you’d think Democrats can never agree on anything.

A recent article by Jeff Stein in The Washington Post drives home the idea by pointing out that there are differences in opinion between Senator Bernie Sanders in the Senate and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on how Democrats should move forward on health care.

Sanders has been a vocal advocate of Medicare for all, a government-run health care system where every citizen in the country is covered from birth to death. Pelosi is advocating for an expanded version of The Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Pelosi would like to make the ACA subsidy enhancements included in the American Rescue Act permanent. Sanders, for his part, would like to lower the Medicare eligibility age requirement to either age 55 or 60, something President Biden has signaled he’d be open to that could potentially add up to 23 million people to the popular program.

Okay. Yes, there’s a disagreement between House and Senate leaders. The progressive wing of the party, led by Sanders, would love to see an expansion of Medicare. The more centrist wing, in this case, backed by Pelosi, wants to expand the ACA. Wow. Damn it, Democrats, why can’t you get your shit together?

Meanwhile, over at the increasingly insane other side of the aisle, Republican politicians headed down to Florida over the weekend to pay homage to the Former Guy. Remember him? The one who incited an insurrection and tried to overthrow an election he lost fair and square? Yeah, that guy.

It’s as if January 6, 2021, never happened. It’s been wiped from the plates of the radical right, never to be consumed again. It’s time to move on—nothing to see here. Oh, and please make sure you keep cutting those nice checks to the disgraced former 45th president. After all, with pending litigation on the horizon, he’s going to need all the financial help he can get.

The poor sap. Let’s all fight the tears together.

Supposedly the Former Guy did not disappoint with his remarks to the sycophants and crazies in attendance this past weekend. He called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a son-of-a-bitch, and ridiculed his former VP Mike Pence for not doing more to assure he was re-installed as President of the United States. I’m assuming he didn’t mention the folks who wanted to hang the man or reference the gallows erected outside the Capitol. It must have slipped his mind.

Here’s the deal, folks. While one political party continues to implode, embraces white supremacy, and showers the former insurrectionist-in-chief with love, the other party is trying to move the country forward with legislation like the American Rescue Act and future proposals dealing with infrastructure, immigration, and other far-reaching and meaningful action to help the American people.

And every last one of those proposals will be dead on arrival, at least as far as the insane party goes. They’ve got no interest in such things. What they do have interest in is keeping people from voting, talking about Dr. Seuss, and passing bills that pick on transgender folks.

But yeah, sure, let’s keep putting it out there that the Democrats are the ones that can’t get it together. Look, are there issues with some in the party, like Senator Joe Manchin, for one, who may not see eye to eye with everything Biden is proposing? Of course. And debate within the party is acceptable as long as it doesn’t impede progress to the point where the party can’t get anything of consequence done.

Even when you look at the differing opinions from those in Democratic leadership, some of it stems from how they will pay for things. The Stein article refers to Democrats floating the possibility of requiring pharmaceutical companies to lower their prescription drug costs or face stiff penalties.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the savings from such a deal could save the government about $450 billion over the next decade, which could allow an expansion of Medicare’s dental, vision, and hearing care. Again, we’re arguing about doing things to help folks who need it most. These are complex policy issues, and Democrats are trying to put forth ideas to solve them.

The insane party, on the other hand, sits ominously silent. One of their supposed budding stars, Representative Matt Gaetz, awaits a possible indictment for allegedly engaging in sex with an underage girl and sex trafficking. I seem to remember Senator Al Franken banished from the Democratic Party for a joke picture of him fake-grabbing a women’s breast.

The media demanded answers; the party said adios to Franken. Gaetz, meanwhile, calls it all a witch hunt by the radical left – just like his hero, the Former Guy, trained him to do. Maybe an actual indictment might force Republican House leadership to kick Gaetz to the curb. Well, they said it would, but I sure as hell wouldn’t hold my breath. Guys like Gaetz are revered in the insane party. That’s how far they’ve fallen.

In the future, never forget which party is trying to end the pandemic, build back a shattered economy, and address the increasingly complex income inequality that continues to plague our society. We must continue to ignore the media when they try to equate democratic policy differences with the disintegration of a political party that used to call itself “The Party of Lincoln.”

There is no comparison anymore. The Republican Party’s fall from grace continues. When you think they can’t go lower, they find a way. I realize the “no drama Obama” years is now “the no drama Biden” administration, and it drives many in the media crazy. The leaks they’d get from the Former Guy’s clan have dried up in the new White House. But they’ll keep trying to find something that sticks. It’s their job, I suppose.

In the meantime, I’m going to keep watching the insane party continue to drift down the river of madness, with no end in sight. Let’s hope the media finds that story a bit more important than whether Champ the dog pooped in the White House. Sadly, I doubt it.

47 responses to “The Dems in Disarray Media Narrative Continues”

  1. I’ve often been puzzled by the criticism of Democrats.

    Yes, they are not well organized. But that’s mostly democracy at work. And that’s better than the authoritarianism that we see in the Republicans.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I know Neil. Democrats, in general, believe government is there for a reason and can help people. Republicans? No way. To this day, I do not no why so many of them want to serve, and will jump through whatever hoops that exist to keep getting re-elected.

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      1. In a word, Jeff, it’s greed … a lust for power and money. They’ve long since forgotten that oath they took, the people they pledged to represent.

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      2. Yep. POWER and money. What a lethal combination!

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      3. Good salaries for barely any work, but mainly for lifetine pensions after just a few years in service to their wealthy buddies and benefactors. It’s basically free money and Republicans love their money even more when it is free.

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  2. I read that column most of the way through today. Got sick to my stomach and head and every other place before I finished it and deleted it. I will never be able to understand how so many people can be so taken in by a slug who, when allowed on Twitter, would give ten different opinions on the same subject, each one contradicting the ones before, and not see him for what he is. Maybe I’m the one not seeing it though. I see a person who should be in an asylum wearing a straitjacket. And in a rubber room at that. So maybe I’m the one not –. Ah, heck, nobody listens to me anyway, so why do I continue to try. They like him and want him back? Let them have a couple of states for their new country and make him king. Then we can declare war and see how long— no, that’s not the answer. I’m tempted to go out with my rubber mallet and start hitting a few hard heads to see if they are as cracked as they seem.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Sitting outside of the USA, in the Brexit-UK I am experiencing this parallel which is at odd, yet predictable when you consider Humanity and Politics as a combination. You have MAGA, we on the Left of UK politics experience this with fellow Left-Wingers who lament the ‘martyrdom’ of Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn was the previous leader of the Labour Party, and by his lack of reading the narrative was complicit in the largest Conservative election victory in a long while. His supporters like those of The Draft Dodger, Minority Number of Votes (twice) guy will not let it go with cries of betrayal, conspiracy etc,etc…and will not vote for Labour until he is back…which is good news for Prime Minister Johnson.
      I empathise with your pain and frustration.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I guess innate stupidity isn’t confined to one country alone then. Politicos all seem to be dirtied by the muddied water that the few (one hopes) take pleasure in bathing in. I personally wish they would do away with the Electoral College here and let the majority vote count as the only way to elect the president.

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      2. The trouble with Democracy is, expected to be disappointed because it is messy. Although it is better than all the alternative in which you have to be cautious, keep your mouth shut and very wary.
        Voting systems are always screwy, there is never a satisfactory one.
        Our central government Parliamentary is based government is based on winning seats, first passed the post system. Now because a lot of English seats went to the conservatives, they won a record majority of 80+ seats.
        Whereas in terms of numbers of voters across the whole UK they had a minority of votes. Folk talk about proportional representation which is active in some form in the regional assembly in my own area of Wales. The trouble with ‘PR’ is that extremist parties get a toe-hold and can hold undue influence. You only have to look at Israel to see where that leads.
        That said, the Electoral College has proven itself an outdated and very dangerous thing to have about. Won’t be easy to shift though.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. So true kentuckyangel. What the hell do they see in him that we don’t? We see a criminally corrupt narcissistic con man. They see somebody who tells it like it is. In other words, he merely says what they feel and have been wanting to say for years. He even bragged about overthrowing the government in his little speech, I’m told. Simply put, he’s the most dangerous politician we’ve ever had in this country. I keep hoping for an indictment or two. Nothing ever happens to this guy. I’d like to think his day is coming. I’m skeptical though. Even if it did get indicted, he’d simply become a martyr to the crazies.

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      1. I hate to think this of anyone, but at times I wonder if—-. No, I can’t say it. I’ve read about cults for years, poison Kool aid, bigger and bigger temples, thought I had heard it all, but this one is dangerous. I have to say I’m surprised at some of the people who follow him though. My sibs are intelligent, caring people, but so blind when it comes to that homicidal maniac. He has preached insurrection, theft, lying, lying and more lies, language that would turn a person’s hair white if it wasn’t already, yet they still tell me I just don’t know the whole story. What more is there to know? I had hoped we had heard the last from him, but I think he’s just begun. Our own national Hitler!

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      2. Take comfort from the long view Jeff. By the majority he will be vilified, mocked and seen as the worst president, which will continue long after his death. And his ghost will hate that because it won’t be able to tweet. A suitable punishment.

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      3. He probably hates NOT being on Twitter more than anything else. We should take some solace in that!!

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      4. And not being in The Whitehouse. That will really get to him.

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  3. As I was posting to kentuckyangle24 we have a parallel going on here in the UK’s Left / Left of Centre (it’s complicated).
    Newspapers of course love to elaborate and exaggerate; it’s how they get sales. Columnists and reporters have to have a hook, otherwise their editors will be asking just what they are doing, and how would they like to be drafted to the Gardening Column instead (would work for me, I’d like that). So we get the ‘Big Story’, which when you analyse it is no more than ‘Nothing new here folks. Please move along’.
    You see the Democrats can’t win. If they all agreed you would have articles about this ‘monolithic’ grouping and folk drawing comparisons with communist parties, or complaints that they are dull & grey.
    It’s one of the reasons why I don’t read newspapers. I read the BBC website, (a terrible sin in the eyes of some sections of The Left) scan a few headlines, check back on what was happening in a similar fashion at another stage of history and make my own judgement. I don’t say it’s perfect. But it gives me perception.
    I wish you guys well and hope my gloomy ideas of what will happen to the USA are wrong, wrong, wrong because I missed something.
    Meanwhile, sorry you are still living in a ‘stacked deck’ .

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Roger. As always, you have a keen perspective of what’s happening over here. I mean, in just the last few weeks, we’ve had several mass shootings, another unarmed black man killed by a white cop, as well as a black lieutenant serviceman pulled over and pepper sprayed for supposedly having missing license plates. Just keeps getting worse and worse. Oh, and the former guy loser ex-president bragged about trying to overthrow the government. I just don’t know anymore Roger. It’s hard to be optimistic.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I agree Jeff it is difficult to look with hope to the future when the fault lines keep getting wider.
        The problem lies with the marked unwillingness of a substantial group of Republican politicians and commentators to talk to anyone other than the strident uncompromising right-wing part of the community, thus ratcheting up the anxiety levels in society as a whole.
        As at this stage there is no point in me rolling out the Doomsday scenarios as the phrase ‘Job’s Comforter’ springs to mind.
        It would seem, the USA being the USA and very willing to take things to court that this would be the best battleground to tackle the Aggressive Right, not so much with the idea of winning cases outright, but simply to tie them up in litigation and hope to take the heat from the streets and media into the courts.
        It is a slim strategy based on hope, but strikes me as better than any of the alternatives.
        Take care you guys.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks Roger. Yes, the courts are certainly some place we can make a difference. If you’ve noticed, Fox News has been sued quite often lately. However, even with settling cases out of court for millions, they still spout their hatred and bigotry. Maybe nothing works with these folks. Take care sir, and thanks again for your valuable insight.

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      3. It’s a War Jeff; for the heart and soul of the nation. Wars take long times and rely on attrition. It’s a question of wearing them down, and doing things like telling the sponsors you won’t buy any products advertised on Fox news…This crisis has been decades in the making, it might take decades to heal.
        May my worst fears be quite wrong and you will reach the sunny uplands (Churchill).
        You take care Jeff, and thanks

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes Roger, the corporations do seem to be taking a bit of a stand, at least as it pertains to Republicans assault on voting. Little by little, my friend. Chip away here and there and who knows?

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Quite right Jeff!
        The current stance of the Republican Party is that of a one-trick pony in a state of furious denial.
        Not one suited to the steady chipping away in an attritional reaction from many sources.
        We can be hope the miasma will clear sooner rather than later.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Hope springs eternal Roger!

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    2. If the reporters would stop sensationalizing all the stupidity I hink a lot of it would die a natural death. Unfortunatly they seem to think no one wants to read a simple story about the garden club, or the good things someone is doing for someone else. Murder and mayhem might sell papers, but I doubt that is true. It only brings out more crazies and creates more reasons for all the shootings in malls, grocery stores and schools. Just my humble opinion though. If everyone would stop reading it maybe it would get back to some kind of normal.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I agree with you 100% .
        It was the UK press which drove Prince Harry and his wife dear Meghan out with their blatant racist or snobbish campaigns.
        They have been called to account many a time and yet still get away with it.
        There was a British writer of great wit and perception Jerome K Jerome writing during the late 19th and very early 20th century (Famous for the book ‘Three Men In a Boat’).
        In another book ‘Diary of a Pilgrimage’ which in a fictionalised account of a tour in Germany he and his friend get into an argument over the height of a cathedral spire and his friend replies ‘But the Guidebook says’ to which Jerome scathingly replies ‘The Guidebook says? You’ll believe a newspaper next!’ and that was written in 1890…so you can see it’s been around for a long time.

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      2. It’s been around longer than the written word. Some of the worst propaganda is spread by word of mouth, now and centuries ago. Most of the worst of it is the media, but your average Joe can be just as deadly if he gets angry with anyone. Of course, that’s when Joe grabs a gun and looks for a place with multitudes to begin shooting. But even before time began (ref. the Bible) there was public stoning if someone was accused of something the crowd didn’t like. As I think of some of the stories, no one took the time to check whether the tale was true, just grabbed a stone and began stoning. The early days of the US history are filled with stories of lies being spread by both the limited press and the unlimited people who disagreed with something. I think the Old West mindset was built along those lines. No press to speak of, but tall tales that people took for gospel simply because one man had a bigger gun than the rest.
        But, in all honesty, I think the beginning of the end came when Jack Kennedy began televised press conferences, televised debates, televised everything! I voted for the man, but have since wondered why. But again, it’s easy to vilify someone who is no longer here to refute the charges. I just try to stay away from the news, both televised and print, although it’s hard to get far enough away at times.

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      3. All very good examples and points made.
        If you take the Christian message out of the narrative then the crucifixion of a man named Jesus of Nazareth was one big three-sided political stitch up involving Pilate, Herod and the Sanhedrin with the Sanhedrin employing a MAGA like mob to get their way.
        Just one in a long catalogue.
        The danger comes from the person or persons with an agenda and they don’t always need a gun. I could, for instance, sit down, and with selected, out of context bits from history write an account which ‘proved’ conclusively that the American Revolution was a move by the local elites to avoid paying taxes to the British Government and followed only a by strident, militant, armed minority of the people, relying on overseas aid. That would sell well in the UK and amongst minorities in the US.
        I stick with the BBC for my headline information, then use my own judgement, knowledge of history etc to form an opinion…..’Think for yourself’.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. BTW, I for one love Harry and Meghan. They have received a dirty deal from everyone!

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      5. That they have.
        The British press reached a new low over their treatment of the couple.
        I wouldn’t use one of the tabloid rags for a door stop… (Well that’s the polite family-friendly version)

        Liked by 2 people

      6. I use them as pee pads for my dog!

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  4. Will Rogers said it years ago: I don’t belong to any organized political party. I am Democrat.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yep, well aware of that quote Don. And how prophetic it was!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    I was so exhausted last night that I missed Jeff’s spot-on post. The media is condemning the Democratic Party for putting its shoes on the wrong feet, while turning a blind eye to the Republican Party who is trying to steal others’ shoes, even if it means chopping off their feet! Great post, Jeff! Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the reblog Jill! I already heard Moscow Mitch this morning railing on Biden and the Dems pushing far-left radical policies. In other words, we aren’t FOR anything. We ARE against everything. Winning in 2022 and 2024 is their only goal. Rejecting everything makes him think he will prevail. God help us if he does. If so, time to get my passport in order!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. My pleasure, as always! I’m just sorry I didn’t see it on Monday night. I think I did see that you had posted, but was exhausted and not at all well, so it rather passed right on by me. Sigh. This nation seems to be hellbent and determined to destroy itself from within. Like you, I’m seriously considering getting my passport renewed and leaving this country … giving it the middle finger on my way out. I looked into renouncing my citizenship the other day … do you know that you have to pay thousands of dollars to do so??? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I did not know that about renouncing citizenship. Doesn’t surprise me though. I probably wouldn’t do such a thing. I’d leave, then hope that one day, miraculously, this country gets its sanity back. I know Jill, what the hell am I drinking?? LOL

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think that if I ever leave, I won’t be coming back. However, at my age and in my present circumstances, it’s doubtful I’ll ever have that opportunity. Yes, just what have you been drinking … or smoking! 🤣


  6. Jeff, the Democrats have tended to be lousy marketers, even when their message is much better. I sit here and watch the Republican Party censure Republicans who tell the truth and reward Republicans who do not, including the most corrupt, seditious and deceitful president in my lifetime. The now trump party parrots conspiracy theories, lies and fear following the lead of the former president. To be brutally frank, it is hard to follow the so-called leaders of this party into battle when they are spouting such inanity.

    Former AG William Barr tells the former president to his face in a group meeting that his election fraud claims are BS, using the actual word. We cannot have that, so Barr is fired. Election security leader Chris Krebs says the election was the most secure in our history. We cannot have that so, Krebs is fired. The former Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner says this weekend the former president’s continuing claims of election fraud are HS, using the actual word, saying the man is lying to his followers.

    Seventeen Republicans with courage vote to impeach or convict the former president of citing an insurrection, which he clearly did. We cannot have that so they get censured.

    The now trump party is absent any moral or ethical bearings. It has sunk so low, there is not a limbo bar it cannot ooze under. And, it is all their fault, for aiding and abetting such a deceitful former president. They knew this and still did it. Now they are paying the price. Until they deal with that issue, this party has not a whole lot of value to add.

    The Dems need to keep pushing reasonable change and govern as well as they can. The fact that Bernie and Nancy disagree is not that big of deal. People disagree. Just get things done and help Americans. To be frank, Cruz, Paul and Cornyn are spouting nonsensical stuff, so it is easy to ignore them and the former president is just plain useless with his babbling of bad words and more lies..


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  7. Why is the Democratic Party so seemingly split? This is my personal opinion.
    Primarily, the USA grew up to be a two -party system, you are either with me or agin me thinking. In the early days the country was almost totally capitalist, there was no room for any other economic or political ism. This is what people learned early on, and very little has changed. But the zeitgeist is changing, and more and more people are leaning slightly left of centre. Then there is a section of the population who want to move even farther to the left. They are bordering on socialism.
    But what would happen if someone started a Socialist Party. First of all, this would challenge the two-party system the people are used to. They might be confused by a viable third party. How would the electoral college work with 3 candidates to choose from? I’ no expert on American politics, but I am sure if and when you do go to a multi-party system, it could take several elections to figure it all out. But those are not the most important concerns–if a third party, a Socialist Party especially entered the fray, it would only hurt the left, and the right would have a cakewalk into the White House.
    I think the people in the Democratic Party know they have to stick together, at least for now, until the Republican Party implodes completely and disappears.
    So, for now, center, center left, and socialist left have to stick together to fight the conservative right. Their major platforms cover a lot of territory, but unity now is more than necessary. This is their strength. If they split now, democracy goes down the tubes.
    From outside looking in, you need to raise the consciousnesses of American voters. Anything less is probably doomed to fail…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. wow, such an angry post. I thought all of your anger would have been gone now that biden was elected but alas, I guess you, like the people in the media, have to find something to bitch and moan about.
    This was just a silly post and pretty dumb too actually.


    1. Scott … when you were a child growing up, didn’t your mother tell you that if you can’t say something nice, just don’t say anything? What was your purpose here, just to insult? You owe Jeff an apology.

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    2. Angry? I don’t think so Scott. If you actually read it, there’s lots of positive stuff. Like me pointing out that Democrats are at least attempting to move the country forward with legislation and action. Not lies. Not tweets. Not insurrections. Not idiotic conspiracy theories. No, actual policies. Oh, and they actually give a shit about this pandemic-unlike the former guy and his pathetic administration. We can debate whether you like any of them, but so far, most of what we’ve seen is getting high marks from Americans. What, sir, is the other party offering to the American people? Any ideas? What the hell do they believe in? Please let me know. Other than ‘Dems want open borders’, we can’t raise taxes on rich people, and keeping people from voting, what in God’s name to they stand for? Where’s the legislation? They just say no to every damn thing Dems propose. It’s a disgrace, and they are an embarrassment to this country. Despicable beyond belief. Thanks Scott. Sorry, I guess I just got a little angry. My bad

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  9. oh, and by the way, if you even bother to look it up for yourself, you can hear the technical director of CNN, Charlie Chester, admit that everything they’re saying about gets is propaganda but that goes against the stupid narrative that you and your readers ignorantly and foolishly believe out of cognitive laziness so you won’t include this information in your ridiculous fake outrage piece.


    1. I used to think you were a good man with only a chip on your shoulder, Scott. Today, I wonder. Might be best if you keep your ire to yourself in the future. Jeff … I apologize for introducing Scott to your blog and opening you to such ignorant critique.

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      1. No worries Jill. I welcome Scott’s ‘critiques’ of my posts. If he takes the time to read them, that’s good enough for me. He has his views, I have mine. Rarely do they square up. Hopefully, he’ll at least think a bit about what I say. That’s all I can ask for

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Opposing views, I respect, but in this case, it’s just poking to be poking, trying to get a reaction, and insulting … that, I have low tolerance for. Sigh.


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