We did it, folks. He’s gone for good. On November 3, 2020, over 81 million of us told the 45th President of the United States to get the hell out of our house. Today, we welcome the 46th President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

On the drive home today from my walk with our beloved four-legged buddies, I heard the beautiful voice of Lady Gaga singing our National Anthem emanating from my car radio. I couldn’t hold back anymore. The tears started to flow like a spring waterfall in Oregon. It’s as if a massive weight, an albatross if you will, began to leave my body all at once.

The gravity of the moment will live with me for the rest of my life. I felt similar emotions when the election was formerly called for Biden. But this was different. So much has happened since that day. We witnessed a sitting president promulgating the Big Lie for months that the election was rigged and stolen from him, which led to the day which will live in infamy: January 6, 2021.

The crazies tried to take our Capitol. They tried to overturn the will of the people on that day. But they did not prevail. Democracy survived, albeit by a thread, and we saw in real-time how vulnerable it all was and is. We can never take what we have for granted again. Biden’s predecessor, a man our Founders always worried would somehow come to power, never respected the Constitution he swore to uphold. Nor did he ever respect the office, just as all of his predecessors did before him.

He couldn’t even have the decency to show up for his successor’s inauguration. Another rarity, not seen since the disastrous Andrew Johnson did the same in the aftermath of the Civil War. In many ways, it makes sense when you think about it. We’ve got a new Civil War going on right now, which, while not started by the 45th, was undoubtedly exacerbated and ignited beyond our wildest imagination.

Thank God, though, he didn’t show up today. He didn’t belong on that stage. He was not welcome, and none of the living ex-presidents will ever welcome him. It’s an exclusive club. It will take years to recover from the stain and stench he left upon that office. I heard they’re doing an extensive deep cleaning in the White House today – more than they did under any other transitions. For Biden’s sake, I hope they do a thorough job.

As I said above, though, he’s gone for good. It’s time to feel a little hope and optimism for a change. I realize there’s much skepticism out there, that nothing is going to change. After all, Democrats have a thin majority in the House and an even more razor’s thin edge in the Senate. I know the waters ahead are rough and uncertain. I get that.

But I’m not going to apologize for feeling uplifted today. We have a new president who has an ambitious and exciting agenda. Yes, he’s going to have Mitch McConnell, the far-right media echo-chamber, and even some on his Democratic left to deal with going forward. But there will be plenty of time to deal with those political headwinds. Today is not the time for negativity. We’ve had enough of that for years, have we not?

Finally, I’d be remiss if I did not mention how proud I was to see Kamala Harris take the oath as the United States’ new vice-president. She’s the first woman, the first African-American, and the first person of South Asian descent to hold that office. There are many Americans who have a problem with that. I hope that a majority of Americans do not. Congratulations, Mrs. Vice-President. I know you will fulfill your duties with honor and dignity.

When Joe Biden put his hand on the bible, it was 8:48 am out here on the left coast. To be sure, a little too early to drink alcohol on any other day. But today was not just another day. It’s a day of hope, optimism, and, yes, relief.

And while I’m usually a beer and wine kind of guy, I decided to break out the hard stuff. After the last four years, do you blame me?

Cheers, Mr. President, and good luck!

67 responses to “The 46th!”

  1. Thanks. One “like” is not enough, so I’ll have to comment.

    Yes, I see things looking up today. I welcome Joe Biden and I welcome Kamala Harris.

    Those on the right are correct about one thing — there is a “deep state”. The deep state is us, the American people. And the deep state has prevailed against those who would betray the constitution.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes, we have prevailed Neil. We corrected the horrendous mistake from 2016. That alone should give us hope that we will never…ever…allow the likes of him to ever set foot in the White House.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. It’s going to be a tough climb to get back on the humanitarian path, but I think Biden is up for it! Like you, I shed a few tears today, but not tears of sadness such as I’ve been shedding for four years … these were tears of relief, of peace, of hope. Cheers, Jeff! 🥂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much Jill and thanks for the reblog. Yes, they were definitely tears of relief and hope. Just think of how stressful it’s been for four years. Every damn day it was..what the hell is he doing now? What did he tweet? What insult did he lob? What norm did he violate? And on and on. No more of that. If nothing else, we’ve got normal people back in charge. Good people. Decent people. And, competent people who actually believe government can do a lot of good for everyone. Cheers back at you my friend! We did it!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. When I read today that Moscow Mitchie wants us to be fair to Trump and give him two weeks to prepare for his impeachment trial, I went into a rage. WHY the HELL should we be fair when he has managed to cause us pain and grief every single day for four years??? I guess maybe I’m as bad as the republicans, for I am finding that no … I cannot just ‘forget’ all the damage that has been done, including the years likely shaved off of my own life, in the interest of ‘unity’. Sigh. Yes, for four years we have lived in sheer hell, thanks to not only Trump, but his sycophants as well. I find I have no empathy for any of them today … perhaps tomorrow. Sigh.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Nope, no empathy for them whatsoever. They do not deserve one iota of it. I want to see an apology from those 150 or so idiots who did not vote to certify the election. I want to see Cruz and Holley expelled. I want to see those dingbats, Greene and Boebert, thrown out as well. We can throw in the idiot who tried to bring a gun into the chamber too. Until I see some form of contrition from these traitors? Forget it. They can all go pound sand.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I am so with you on all you say. We are owed an apology that we will never see. But, we will have the last laugh, and I only hope I live to see it!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. It is becoming clear that Mitch was just playing nice so Joe and company will drop their guard. He had his chance to be virtuous and failed miserably. He is indeed the “Grim Reaper” and we have already wasted enough time with his self-serving bullshit. Time to move forward.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. I agree. I had really hoped Mitch might decide to retire once he lost the power of the majority, but I think he’s looking two years ahead and thinking he will re-gain that majority. Which he may well. Sigh.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. One step at a time…I have confidence this administration will lead us out of the woods. After that, let’s see if there is a change of heart for this nation.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. We can only hope!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    Jeff speaks for me, and millions of others, when he recounts his feelings of today’s events. Finally … we can go to bed at night knowing the nation is in good hands, and wake in the morning without immediately grabbing our phone to see the latest ‘breaking news’. Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your thoughts and feelings … they echo my own. And now, you and I have a project to talk about, yes?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Chhers indeed. Glenlivet is perfectly appropriate. May we never ever hear or read the name of the 45th. (That will be a respite)
    My compliments and best wishes to America. The world (or most of it) has been looking forward to that moment. God bless.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Someone actually gave that to me as a retirement present…4 years ago! It certainly was appropriate though. And thanks for the well-wishes. I agree with you. Most of the world let out a huge sigh of relief today. I think..I hope..America is back. Time will tell my friend.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. It will. Been living in Asia, Africa, and now Latin America for the past 30 years. Seen too many dictators… almost in the flesh. Not a pretty sight. And they keep coming back. So this sends the right message.
        Enjoy your 22 years old whisky. (without an e). Take care.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. Thank you my friend. And thanks for the follow.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. We are toasting champagne here in Wisconsin. I too was moved to tears as I watched the inauguration. Time to celebrate! We also cheered and clapped as Cheeto flew away from DC never to stain OUR house again.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I know, wasn’t that great to see? Him and his grifting/corrupt family gone for good from the White House. What a great day it was!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. This is wonderful Jeff and I agree with everything you’ve said here. I’m raising my glass of champagne to your Glenlivet!🥂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Kim, and thanks for the reblog! Champagne, Glenlivet, a cold IPA, a glass of good red wine. Hell, whatever your choice, we deserved a celebration after four years of hell! I haven’t been this optimistic since Obama was first elected. We’re in good hands Kim. I really believe that.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I have to share this exceptional post from Jeff as I think it represents what so many of us are feeling on this momentous day.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Reblogged this on By Hook Or By Book and commented:
    I have to share this exceptional post from Jeff as I believe it represents what so many of us are feeling on this momentous day!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. DIT-TOOoooo…..🙌🏻🥂

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Welcome back to the real world and all your friends America.
    You’ve been away too long.
    A special welcome to the President and his VP. Real People at last. The Crime Family has gone.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s wonderful to be back David! Yes, real people. Decent people. I loved seeing some photos of Biden signing his EO’s yesterday. All the pics of his family behind him. A nice painting of FDR. It just seemed so damn normal. Finally!!!

      Liked by 2 people

  11. I think 45 wants to run again in 2024. We’ll see if he’s even free at that point.

    But for now, I feel profuse relief. There may be some issues where I feel Biden won’t go far enough. There may be some issues where I feel Congress is keeping from going far enough. But I believe that his heart is in the right place, and that his crisis management skill will be useful for these times.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Agreed Brendan. Who knows what will happen to the orange menace in the future? All I know is, he needs to be held to account by our Congress. I still doubt whether they will ultimately convict him in the Senate. But, it’s entirely possible. We shall see.
      And Biden is clearly the right man at the right time. GW Bush, who was a terrible president, said yesterday that Biden may have been the only guy who could have beaten Trump. I think he was spot-on in that assessment. The stars aligned just right for him. His age, which may become a bigger issue in the coming years, actually benefited him I think. Kind of like the wise old Grandpa who’s seen it all, knows how D.C. works, and comes across as a really decent guy. He’s exactly what we needed Brendan. But we do need to push him where we can. I’m hopeful.

      Liked by 4 people

  12. What a day! What a dawn! What a wonderful relief!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Agreed Don. All of the above!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. We watched the ceremony on good ol’ BBC (although my wife had to put up with my occasional interjections of ‘Are you listening Donnie – you (Full Metal Jacket quote) you!’
    What dignity, poise and intelligence from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
    It will be a long hard road, I wish them well
    (Though will maintain President Biden is morally the 45th President – someone who gets in on a freak of your voting system and fails to uphold the Presidential Oath does not count- a mere occupant of the Whitehouse)

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I agree with your 45th reference Roger. I never once called Trump ‘president’ because he did not deserve the reverence that goes with that title. I’m heartened to hear that you watched the ceremony. I suspect millions around the world did exactly the same thing as you-and hopefully felt that America is back. We’re joining the rest of the globe again, after four years being AWOL. I feel so much relief. Yes, it’s going to be a rough road. But we’ve got the right man to get us out of this mess. I really believe that.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I agree Jeff.
        Joe Biden with many years experience of Capitol Hill, steeled by personal adversity, closeness to the mature and correct workings of the presidential office is the right man for the times.
        By his dignity, work ethic and focus he may yet draw enough numbers away from the Unholy Church to begin the long process of healing.
        (PS: Rooting for you on the project you and Jill are embarking on. Go for it!)

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Thanks much Roger! Will do!

        Liked by 3 people

  14. I do not like Joe Biden. I do not like Kamala Harris. I don’t have to, it’s my right as an American to not like someone. As of January 20, is Biden my
    president? Yes. Why? Because I am an American. I refuse to act like a child like the crying liberals who claimed Trump wasn’t their president for the last
    4 years. I won’t be that hypocritical
    Do I think Biden will be a good president? Nope, but do I wish for his failure? No. Why? Because I am an American and I don’t want to see America fail.

    Do I wish death or ill will upon Biden just because I don’t like him? Nope. Again, I’m not like the heartless liberals who prayed for Trump’s death for
    the last 4 years just because they didn’t like him.
    Do I think the left is using Biden as a pawn? Most likely. It’s a baseless conspiracy, but like all conspiracies it has a degree of merit. I do believe
    making Harris president, the first female president, was the goal all along. It’s the only plausible reason why Harris would agree to be his running mate
    when she claimed he was a racist and a rapist during the Democratic primaries. Watch and see she will move up to the President’s slot when they find Biden
    to be medically incapable of holding the presidency.
    Do I think the election was fair? No. Proof of fraud and lots of it. Valid votes not counted. Invalid votes counted. It’s all a disgrace. However I do
    believe Attorney General Barr in the fact that there was no wide spread election altering conspiracy. There is however, no integrity in our elections anymore.
    Do I trust our government? Not a chance. I have never trusted our Government. We have a dark, seldom talked about, history of major infractions of our
    rights, liberties and even against our lives. You are a fool to rely on the government or think the government is working in your best interest.
    I fear for the next 4 years. I fear for our economy. I fear for small business owners. As I and so many friends are as well, I fear for our healthcare.
    I fear for our rights. I fear for what’s to come after these next 4 years. Most of all I fear for what this country is turning into.
    I hope and pray I am wrong, because I am an American patriot and I want America to succeed. I want all American citizens to succeed. It’s in our hands.
    Things only become the “new norm” if we allow it. Remember it’s “we the people”. 🇺🇸


    1. Please, take your medication.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Poison21, seems like an apt title for your handle considering your responses to my comments.

        no need to be snarky regarding my commentary, if you don’t like it, just do the mature thing and don’t respond.

        I don’t read these blogs that much anymore, especially after my self-imposed exile from social media so you’ll likely not have to concern yourself with my opinions ever again and that should do your mental condition a world of good.

        I wish you much luck in the future.


    2. “I do not like green eggs and ham…”

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Your comments are totally disingenuous and you know it.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    I watched and loved every minute of it!! … “We did it, folks. He’s gone for good. On November 3, 2020, over 81 million of us told the 45th President of the United States to get the hell out of our house. Today, we welcome the 46th President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Dr. Rex! Me too. Loved every minute!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. You are most welcome!! So did I … glued to the TV all day!! Hugs!! ❤ …

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Yes Scott, you absolutely have the right to not like Biden, just as I had the right to not like Trump. Actually, I despised the man. And that was my right too. But he’s gone now. I hope he’s ultimately held to account for inciting a bunch of crazy people to ‘fight’ for ‘their’ country. Indeed they did. We dodged a bullet, literally, on that day. I’m sure you didn’t think much about it, did you Scott? No different than BLM, or Antifa. Right?
    I disagree with your assessment about the fraud. 50 states-50 certifications. Those are facts. 60 plus ridiculous and pathetic court cases with no details of any legitimate fraud accusations. All rejected. Many by Trump appointed far-right judges. He promulgated this big lie, along with his seditionist and traitorous boot-lickers in Congress. And look what happened. A fitting catastrophic end to a catastrophic and horrific presidency.
    Yes, you’re right about a baseless conspiracy about Harris. Really Scott? Are you also a member of the Q’Anon conspiracy? Do you think Democrats are secretly in charge of a sex trafficking ring for children? Who in God’s name are you listening to? What sources do you continue to rely on? Because they’re poisoning your mind my friend.
    You can be as miserable as you want to be. You can be totally pessimistic about our future. I, for one, am not. I’m optimistic that we can get this virus under control. I’m optimistic our economy will get better. Why? Because the people Biden is putting in actually believe that government can and should do good things for the American people. Not like the previous con-man in chief who only cared about what’s good for HIM. He didn’t care about you or me. He’s the biggest fraud in the history of America. And you continue to try and defend him. I don’t get it Scott. Good luck.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. q-anon is crazy and quite reality challenged and for the record, I don’t believe all that ridiculous crap about sex traffic, pizza gate or any of that other stuff from the totally whacky people on the right who you have determined that I am a part of.

      I’m happy that you guys are happy about the election, it’s nice to read posts that aren’t so angry and it’s really not a stretch of the imagination to presume that Harris will be president, we’ll just have to see. And if she does become president, congratulations to her for being the first female leader in the white house. I think we should have had a woman president years ago. Does that sound like the ramblings of a right wing lunatic?

      I hope Joe does well, that the economy gets back on track, that the pandemic gets under control and so on.

      I’m not, nor have ever been a trump cultist and though I’m not a democrat, it doesn’t mean that I want someone to fail just because I may not agree with some of his politics.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Scott, I appreciate the comments. No, you do not sound like a crazed right-winger. It’s a good sign that you at least appear to want to give the man a chance. That’s all we can ask .

        Liked by 1 person

      2. absolutely and my thoughts are, how will all those doom and gloom right wingers respond when they look back and find out that socialism hasn’t taken over our society like they were predicting all of these days leading up to the inauguration? Will they do any reflective soul searching and admit that they were mistaken?

        Liked by 3 people

      3. I doubt they will do any soul searching Scott. You have to have one, first!

        Liked by 2 people

  17. Yes, I’m VERY happy that Trump is no longer the POTUS. However, I did not watch the inauguration nor the reruns of same. I did not listen to the singer or the poet. I did not toast the event.

    I’m sure it was all very moving, but quite frankly, I’m just delighted that the name “Trump” won’t be part of every news media source … and/or part of multiple blog posts (including mine) … and/or part of every online social network. The “peace and quiet” will be a welcome relief.

    As for Biden? He is not a young man and speaking from experience, I’m aware of the challenges he is up against in multiple areas due to his age. While I support the democratic platform and look forward to returning to a level of decorum in our government, I remain cautious.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cautious is absolutely the order of the day Nan. Cautiously optimistic is probably the best way to describe how I feel. I too, am just so happy we don’t have to hear about his crazy tweets etc..every damn day of the week. That right there is enough to give me happiness and calm. I just hope people are willing to give him a chance. I think most will do that. Some will not. That’s ok. That’s the nature of where we are in this era of partisan bickering. But clearly, he’s off to a good start. Much more to do. It’s a nightmare he’s walking into. That requires patience. I’m willing to give that to him.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I’ve actually been off twitter for a while now and am planning to leave fakebook at the end of the month.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Wise choice!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. you know, I still feel a little lost without social media but I know it’ll balance itself out and this feeling will pass.

        it’ll just give me more time to focus on writing more music, in fact, I’m working on a new collaboration right now.

        have a good weekend my friend.

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Hey Jeff! Please check out Clive’s comment on my reblog of this post … he says he wasn’t able to ‘like’ or leave a comment on your post … not sure why, but I promised him I’d let you know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This has happened to me … I was able to find a solution — it had to do with how I had my “third party” restrictions set up … and also it was related to me being “logged in.” Strangely, it wasn’t happening on all blogs. Very frustrating. Not sure if any of this will help, but maybe …

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ll do that. Thanks Jill

      Liked by 1 person

  19. The former president may be out of the oval office for the time being but you can almost bet that he will remain in the shadows running a shadow presidency and trying his best to remain in a position of leadership and trying to grab as much publicity as possible … Relentlessly. This is a meglomaniacal personality and will always try to dominate his witless minions and admirers. So gone from the Oval he might well be, but from the scene … not by any measure!

    The crazies you mention are still out there, still organizing, still recruiting, still dreaming of the day when they can prevail and take over the government. Worse, they are growing in number with each passing day, according to most of the reports that I read.

    You mention that “He” did not have the decency to attend the inauguration. Please remember that “Decency” has no place in the same sentence with any mention of the individual … Completely self-absorbed! The center of his own universe.

    Rather than giving way to too much hope or optimism because of the change in the resident at the Oval Office, I feel we need to be more vigilant and cautious and concerned than ever before because something as nefarious as this working in the shadows is more dangerous than when exposed to the light of public observation.

    By the way, my personal favorite in drinks is Woodford Reserve. But yours is a class act as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I totally agree with your urging that we need to be more “vigilant and cautious.” it’s heartening to know that we finally have an adult sitting in the Oval Office, but the undercurrent of that “other individual” is still running strong.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are oh so correct, Nan. It is very dangerous because it is operating in the shadows now.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. My hope, John, is that Facebook holds the line and keeps his ass off that platform. Twitter has banned him indefinitely and it was the right thing to do. But Facebook is another animal altogether. I do not trust them one bit. I hear the ‘former guy’ is already trying to appeal his ban. He’ll still be able to garner a lot of attention, regardless if they keep the ban on him or not. But it certainly would help minimize it. And then there’s all the legal jeopardy he’s in. Hope springs eternal on that front, although he’s had an uncanny ability to stay out of jail all these years. Now that they have his tax returns, though, we might see the idiot finally get what’s coming to him.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. these tech companies don’t have any business banning people for differing views.

        As an example, I was suspended from twitter for simply stating that Nancy Pelosi was a communist.

        Now, whether you agree with that statement isn’t the point but the point is, as an American citizen, I have the right, according to the constitution to say such a thing if I like and that isn’t a reason to expunge me from the platform.

        The reason they ultimately gave is that this was violent speech which is totally ridiculous. Calling someone a communist isn’t violent.

        I’m actually glad I’m off twitter, it’s a horrible angry place and according to what friends of mine are saying, it’s getting worse.

        I hope you’re all doing well.

        I do pop in from time to time to read an entry or to but I just don’t respond to things as much as I used to.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good to hear from you Scott. You’re absolutely right that you have a right to speak your mind as part as our First Amendment Rights. However, neither you, nor I can incite violence, yell fire in a crowded theater, etc… That right is not absolute. And, there must be accountability for those who spread lies over and over, especially those with power-especially politicians. However, when others are spewing conspiracy theories about Bill Gates putting a microchip in the Covid vaccines, or that Hillary Clinton is leading a sex trafficking ring from the basement of a pizza parlor-there HAS to be a line that cannot be crossed. Because these lies can lead to violence, and in the case of the Bill Gates thing, keep people from taking the vaccine, which jeopardizes both you and I. Yes, Scott, we’re entitled to free speech. But, as with most things in our Constitution, there are no absolutes. Again, good hearing from you.


      3. The idiot is planning to address the CPAC convention and declare himself the rightful leader of the Republican Party and also the presumptive nominee for 2024. He will declare it whether he is or not just the same way that he declared the election to be a fraud. His main concern if he gets elected again will be vengeance against those who voted to impeach him and those who do not agree with him. He will not be concerned with governing the nation but only with the power he can build, the money he can grab and pay-backs for those have rubbed him the wrong way — 46-percent of Republicans cannot wait for him to be president again. I guess that 46-perecent really must enjoy virtual anal sex with a presidential seal attached.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Yes, I heard that the former guy is speaking at CPAC. I better not see CNN or MSNBC covering that speech wall to wall. They have a decision to make on whether or not to carry it. There’s going to a lot of pissed off people if they do. They will think it means ratings, and it probably would garner attention. Everybody pays attention to a train wreck, right? Sorry, though, they cannot cover it. You cannot put a seditionist/traitor/insurrectionist inspiring former president up there spewing his BS. It’s downright dangerous. We shall see, though. I’m very curious as to what they will do.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. They will do what big money dictates.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. HA! I do like the way you put things! 😄


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