As we head down the home stretch until election day, Jill and I thought we’d repeat our three-part series from earlier this year surrounding voting issues in America, with a few additions. Here is Part One of that series. We’ll follow up the next two Wednesday’s with parts two and three.

Filosofa's Word

Early in our project, late January-early February, we did a three-part series about voters and voting.  Jeff and I thought it worth repeating now, just a few short weeks before the all-important election.  The U.S. does not have a good track record for voting … barely half of all eligible voters typically vote, even in presidential elections!  This year, it is too important for people to sit home or attempt to “make a statement” by either not voting or voting for a candidate who has no chance at winning, such as the ignoble Kanye West.  Long story short, we are reprising this three-part series with a few changes or additions, starting today and for each of the next two Wednesdays, in addition to our regular Friday posts.

In the 2016 elections, U.S. citizens stood to lose a lot.  As we now know, we stood to lose our voices and even…

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2 responses to “America’s Wake-Up Call – Voting & Voters – Part I”

  1. Thanks a million, Jeff!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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