I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. It could be that the constant chaos surrounding the upcoming election is getting me down. Or, I’m suffering from political fatigue. I’m not quite sure. But over the weekend, as I was out and about in my small town here in Southwest Oregon, my ‘funk’ was instantly replaced with fight. As in, I promise to fight like hell to make sure that on November 3, 2020, our democracy survives its biggest domestic threat in generations.

So what was it that woke me from my slumbered state? A few weeks ago, I noticed a few signs around town announcing that there would be a ‘Freedom Rally’ on September 26. And sure enough, I witnessed what this so-called freedom rally was all about as soon as I got in the car and headed out to the main road.

Pickup trucks, cars, jeeps, and RV’s; all decked out in American flags, Trump signs, and yes, even an occasional Confederate flag. What the Confederate flag has to do with freedom escapes me at the moment. But I think you get the idea of what things were like on an otherwise beautiful Saturday in Brookings, Oregon.

The good news is that no matter what the results of this election are for the county in which I live, you can be damn sure that the state of Oregon will not vote to reelect the current president. For that, I’m grateful. But it doesn’t hide the fact that I live in a town where the overwhelming majority of people will be casting their vote for such a despicable and dangerous man.

And the sheer size of the convoy was quite impressive. Our town here has a population of roughly seven thousand, of which I’d say a substantial number are devout supporters of the current president. Curry County, which Brookings is a part of, gave Trump approximately 60% of the vote in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, which tells you all you need to know about this area.

And they’re all incredibly proud of how much they love the current president. Yes, they show us how they’ve taken on his obnoxious narcissistic personality in how they present themselves in public. Whoever has the most massive Trump banner or American flag seems to be the goal. Like their great leader, they’re in your face — all the time.

Admittedly, I do not know many of these people personally, nor do I want to. Legendary journalist and author Bob Woodward, a man I much respect, recently suggested that we need to try our best to “understand” Trump voters. I’ve got news for Mr. Woodward: No, we do not.

Because here is what I know:

*Over 7 million Covid-19 infections and fast approaching 206k deaths in the worst pandemic since 1918. He dithered. He lied. He played it down. Eight months in – still no plan.

Yet, they still love him.

*An economy catastrophe, with millions seeking unemployment benefits, thousands of businesses permanently closed, and many more facing food insecurity and evictions.

Yet, they still love him.

*Climate change at a tipping point. Fires raging, temperatures and our seas rising, and some of the worst storms we’ve seen in generations. The current president doubles down and hires industry insiders and sycophants. Then he insists the climate will “head back in the other direction at some point.”

Yet, they still love him.

*The most corrupt administration in history. Congressional Democrats impeached him for seeking foreign help to dig up dirt on his presumed political opponent.

Yet, they still love him.

*Refuses to vow for a peaceful transition if he loses the election, reversing historical precedent and norms from previous presidents – even casually suggesting violence may occur.

Yet, they still love him.

*Finally (yes, there’s much, much more), he’s a tax cheat, tax avoider/evader, and a failed businessman – paying no federal income taxes for several years, and only $750 in 2016 and 2017.

Yet, they still love him.

So to Mr. Woodward and others in the media who’ve suggested we try to understand the Trump voter, I’ve already made my judgment with all due respect. Anyone who still considers the current president worthy of 4 more years, even after all of the above and more, I can only reach one conclusion: You’re deplorable.

Yes, Hillary was right all along. She caught hell for it even though she most certainly spoke the truth. She’s owed a collective apology, especially from the media. But also for those who decided to skip the last election or vote for a third-party candidate.

Now here we are on the cusp of yet another radical Supreme Court Justice ready to be confirmed — in record time — the third such Justice nominated by an illegitimate president.

If, like me, you’ve found yourself in a funk, depression, or both, it’s time to wake the hell up. We’re in the fight for our lives. The next time you run across a Trump convoy, there’s no need to try and understand what’s wrong with them. Instead of wanting to kick their asses, let’s kick their dear leader’s ass out of the White House in overwhelming fashion.

The media can then spend the next four years interviewing the cult, much like they did in the previous four, only this time asking them all why their man lost, bigly. I can’t wait.

26 responses to “From Funk to Fight”

  1. My dear friend and blogging partner … you have ACED this one! Knocked it out of the park! Good for you! It’s time to take off the gloves and FIGHT!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you partner! And thanks for the reblog, as always. My wife, who before Trump was not very political, is on fire over this election. She sees the Trump stuff all over this town and when she sees a sign at someone’s house, she immediately gives it the middle-finger salute! I think (hope!) this type of anger is common these days and is going to translate into massive voter turnout throughout the country. Let’s put it this way Jill: It better!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Heh heh … I like your wife already! If I see a Trump yard sign in my ‘hood, I’m pulling it up and setting it afire!!! Yes, my friend, it better. Did you watch tonight’s debate? I never watch them, but I forced myself to tonight, and by the end I was so angry I was shaking. We must … MUST get this bastard out of office!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, I watched it. And yes, my blood pressure must have been through the roof. A total shitshow and train wreck. But, what did we expect? I’m with a lot of people. I wish Biden would just tell them never mind for the last two debates. Without being able to cut the idiot’s mike off, there’s no need to even continue. But Biden won’t do it. He thinks it’s best to let the American people see him for what he is: an overbearing, bullying, unhinged tyrant. At the very least, the country got to see that last night. I just don’t see the point in going forward with them though. What do you think?

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I tend to agree with you, Jeff. Unless Trump’s sycophants can get through to him that he has to keep his emotions and mouth under control, future debates will just be more of the same so why bother? On the other hand, to the undecided, more of the same MIGHT help sway them towards Biden. Ya’ think?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I certainly hope it seals the deal for any of those undecideds Nan. I mean, what the hell else do they need to see?


      5. Yes, it was a total shitshow, though I did love it when Biden said, “Will you shut up, man?”, and again when he lit into Trump for attacking his sons. I would like to see the next two debates cancelled, for I think it was a worthless waste of time and was designed to energize Trump’s base, obviously. BUT … I don’t want Biden to be the one to cancel them, for some would take that to mean he is afraid to face Trump, afraid to be asked tough questions. What I would like to see, though, is new rules such that both candidates’ microphones are automatically turned off when the other is speaking. All the interrupting, especially on the part of Trump, makes it impossible to actually have a functional debate. And for a person like me, who is near deaf, it makes comprehension impossible. Trump did himself no favours last night, though his nastiness likely won’t change the minds of his base. No, I think the next two will be just as much a waste of time as was last night’s, but I think that call needs to be made by either the people of this country or the CPD, not by Biden. Sigh. I will NOT be watching the next two! I’ve got better things to do with my life! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I agree Jill. Biden should not be the one to cancel them. And, if they do go forward….bring on the MUTE buttons!!! That’s the only way it could ever be watchable. Unfortunately, I don’t think the idiot would agree to such a change. I think both sides have to. We shall see

        Liked by 1 person

      7. You’re probably right … he’d never agree. And, Ellen made a good point as well … if Trump is muted then how would we at home know to what Biden was responding when he had to respond to Trump’s taunts? Sigh. I don’t know the answer, but this status quo is NOT working! All because one ‘man’ considers himself above all others. Sigh.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Sigh, indeed!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    Our friend Jeff has produced one heck of a good rant … he’s fighting mad and with good reason! It’s time for us all to jump into the fray and do what needs to be done to salvage what’s left of our country! Thanks, Jeff!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Well, I haven’t been in a funk. But I am looking forward to the end of the election campaign, and I really want (and expect) Trump to lose.

    I live in a conservative neighborhood. On a typical election year, I expect to see 20 or so houses with Republican yard signs, and only 1 or 2 with Democratic yard signs. This year, I see around 10 houses with Biden/Harris yard signs, and only 1 with Trump signs. Clearly Trump has lost support here.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. No need to worry, Trump will most definitely LOSE bigly! I’m just sorry you have to live in a pro-Trump town/ county. Some things you just can’t unsee. ;(

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think you’re on to something Neil. I think it’s much different this election cycle. My area is still gung-ho Trump, but I do see a few more Biden signs. And, on our main road, we have a group of Biden supporters countering the Trump people when there’s a protest. I did not see that in 2016. I have hope Neil. Real hope.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks David!

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  4. As you and I and many other readers here have noted, we are struggling against a cult led by a narcissistic, power-hungry imbecile (what a bizarre and dangerous combination of traits). And, as we’ve also forecast, November 3rd, 4th, or whatever day a winner is officially declared, if that winner is not Trump, the cult leader’s troops almost certainly will riot.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I think you’re right Jerry. They will not accept his defeat, even if it’s overwhelming. After all, the illegals!!! I expect total chaos. If things do fall apart, and he refuses to leave, with countless court challenges and the like, I think a trip to D.C. would be in my plans. He cannot get away with it. Only a massive take to the streets moment, a la Belarus, would suffice.

      Liked by 4 people

  5. Great post Jeff! I’ve been in a similar funk and depression these past many weeks. The huge, obnoxious Trump flags and excessive signs scream of racism. I can’t even enjoy a simple boat ride in an otherwise (used to be) fun lake community without Trump racist boats/flags streaming by. Now I don’t even want to board the boat or gaze out onto the lake. I’m so ashamed to see some family members and friends can still support such a corrupt, evil, cruel president. Plus, his dismal mishandling of Covid. According to Trump, the best thing about the virus is he doesn’t have to shake his disgusting followers hands 🙄 If that doesn’t change their minds, they are a cult, no doubt about it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Vicki. As per my comment to Jill, even Lori’s had enough of these people. Why does it always have to be in our faces? Why do they feel the need to proclaim their allegiance to this despicable human being? It’s sad that we have zealous Trump supporters in our own family, as well as circles of friends. They’re on a different planet, and I shutter to think what they’ll do if and when he loses. Down in our harbor, where many people have their boats docked, it’s the same thing. Trump signs everywhere. It’s beyond disgusting. The good news is that already over a million people have voted. I think that does not bode well for Trump.


  6. Four years ago the only Trump sign in the neighborhood has been replaced by a 4 sale sign this time around
    Nice way to improve the neighborhood

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL….for sure Dan! Property values instantly went up!!!

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  7. Jeff, here is what I may say if asked. “Help me understand how a president can be aware of the risks and dangers of COVID-19, as he admitted to on tape to Bob Woodward, and confirmed it later, in early February and still invite his most loyal supporters to pep rallies, exposing them to these risks without telling them? And, he would tell these same loyal supporters that there is no risk and it is all a Democrat hoax, being said as late as 21 days after he admitted knowing such to Woodward. What kind of person does that? What kind of person still does that, after admitting such?”

    I truly want to know. I do have an answer, but his supporters won’t like me when I say the term. It is called a sociopath. Keith

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sociopath, narcissist, autocrat, pathological liar. You name it Keith, he’s all of the above. But when his supporters only watch one network, or only read right-wing Facebook news feeds, what else should we expect? News from any other source is met with a resounding “Fake News” and dismissed out of hand. I’ve tried to help educate and inform enough of his supporters, in my own family and amongst friends. It just doesn’t matter. I feel, though, that independents like yourself, are turning against him on a massive scale. He cannot win without substantial support from independents. I think that will make his victory much less likely. The only ones left in his corner? The cult, and maybe a few rich millionaires and billionaires. The majority, I think, have had enough. I certainly hope so.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. The problem has always been the cult and what they represent. And they will be around long after Trump. At worst, they are dangerous and many I think, truly insane. At best, they are uneducated, lower IQ, hyper religious, racist, greedy, nasty and mean..they are losers and don’t know it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve pretty much covered it Mary. Spot on. I’m tired of the ‘need to understand them’ narrative. You, me, and millions of others know exactly what they’re all about.

      Liked by 1 person

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