Every day, the current president seems to be on a mission to eliminate as many people as he can in the United States of America. Whether it’s through his immense incompetence and failures to address the worst pandemic in a century, or ignoring the ongoing climate crisis, we can see in real time how devastating another four years of this administration would be to human life and suffering.

Today, I’d like to share a letter written by the current Governor of the state of Washington, Jay Inslee, that was published today on Medium. In it, he addresses the current president in an open letter to lambaste him for his abject failure to even acknowledge there’s a climate crisis emergency in progress.

Open letter to President Donald Trump on the role of climate change in historic wildfires

WA Governor’s Office

WA Governor’s OfficeFollowSep 14 · 5 min read

September 14, 2020

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Mr. President,

I hope you had an enlightening trip to the West Coast, where your refusal to address climate change — and your active steps to enable even more carbon pollution — will accelerate devastating wildfires like those you’re seeing today. I implore you to recognize the science behind this destruction and stop your path of distortion and deception.

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Malden, WA after a wildfire burned down 80% of the town’s buildings.

Rapid climate change driven by human activity has created a fusion of natural risk and man-made catalysts to accelerate these unnatural disasters. Study after study confirm the close connection between climate change and intensifying wildfires. Your reckless statements that climate change is a hoax and your gutting of environmental policies benefit no one but fossil fuel companies.

These willful denials are harming our nation and our people. Today, you said about the climate: “It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch.” That is false. This abandonment of leadership has once again left the states on their own to fight this existential threat to our people.

The knowledge and tools are at your disposal to be a leader if you choose. Every day, climate experts are showing us ways to reduce carbon pollution while helping our health and economy.

Wildfires are not new in the Western states, yet the 21st century is quickly laying claim to the worst levels of devastation we have ever seen. It took five days for 2020 to become our state’s second-worst fire season on record with more than 600,000 acres burned, eclipsed only by the 1.1 million acres burned in 2015. Worse events in California and Oregon have sent historic levels of smoke to the Puget Sound region, forcing millions of Washingtonians indoors until it passes.

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Gov. Jay Inslee talks with emergency responders near Bridgeport, WA.

Mr. President, our temperatures are consistently rising while moisture is increasingly evaporating. Forest management is merely one piece of the puzzle — something our own firefighters would be quick to remind you. Since 2009, our state has spent more than $130 million for forest health and fire preparedness. These events still overwhelm our residents and resources, because these fires are unlike anything people have seen before.

You have worked to distract from our country’s most critical driver of long-term risk in favor of a more politically convenient target — state forest management. This shows an utter lack of understanding about the robust forest management plans our states already have in place, as well as the need for our federal partners to work more collaboratively with us on forest health issues.

Your comments also betray ignorance of the very sources and locations of these wildfires. They don’t just happen in the forests; the fire that burned 80 percent of the buildings in Malden, Washington, was a grass and brush fire. These fires could not be prevented by thinning timber because there is no timber to thin.

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Malden, WA — Photo: Pullman Radio News KQQQ, Evan Ellis

As Dana Skelly, a fuels program manager for the U.S. Forest Service in Portland, told the Washington Post last week: “The systems that people rely on to help them get through these events are completely maxed out.”

To Stefan Doerr, a geographer at Swansea University in Wales and a chief editor of the International Journal of Wildland Fire, it’s basic physics: “If we have higher temp[eratures], we have a greater probability of fire starting, fire spreading, and fire intensifying.”

The federal government produced a rigorous, comprehensive report, the National Climate Assessment, that concluded “the annual area burned in the western United States could increase 2–6 times from the present” if current trends continue, due to human-caused climate change.

Research by the Climate Impacts Group at the University of Washington shows our region is dealing with higher temperatures and less frost, which is both affecting our water reclamation efforts and heightening conditions for fires throughout our diverse ecosystems, not just forests. The group projects temperatures will rise rapidly throughout this century, making conditions ripe for longer fire seasons and more challenging circumstances for trying to mitigate them.

Climate change is doing more damage to our communities faster than anyone thought. Hotter temperatures are drawing more moisture out of soils, grasses, bushes and trees — which evolved over thousands of years to withstand less severe fires — turning them into the perfect fuel for ignition.

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Gov. Jay Inslee talks with Chief Bud Backer about the Sumner Grade Fire.

I would urge you to abandon your half-baked theories and engage in good faith about the obvious relationship between climate change and wildfires.

The rules of fighting wildfires are changing because our climate is changing. There is no fire suppression plan on this planet that does anyone any good if it doesn’t even acknowledge the role of climate change. Deliberate and decisive action must be taken on a global scale, with the United States in the lead.

It is time to abandon the disastrous course that now envelops us in smoke and ash. A new approach could slow or turn around the damage done by climate change, all while building a more robust and more sustainable future for all 50 states.

The states are willing and eager to work in partnership with the federal government to protect all Americans from the ravages of climate change. Washingtonians in places such as Malden, Bonney Lake, Bridgeport and Graham — which have all begun long roads to recovery from the fires of recent days — deserve as much.


Gov. Jay InsleeWashington State Governor’s Office

22 responses to ““It’ll Start Getting Cooler. You Just Watch.””

  1. Kudos, Thumbs-up, and Hats Off to you and Governor Jay Inslee! I always did like him! He “tells it like it is”! There is no hope that Trump will listen, but perhaps others will! Thanks for sharing this, Jeff! And now I shall share it also.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jill! I think the Gov deserves a look at EPA administrator or something similar in a new Biden administration. I think he’d be awesome!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good letter, Jeff. Fortunately, states, cities and companies are moving forward on renewable energy, but it would be great to leverage the power of the federal government. Texas is close to 1/5 powered by wind energy and is the largest state in wind. Iowa gets 40% of its electricity by wind. This move to wind was backed by oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens, who said about ten years ago, natural gas will buy us time, but the future in the plains states is wind energy.

    California leads in solar energy by a long shot, but North Carolina leads a next tier group. Legislators in coal energy states have misrepresented their constituents. Several years ago, folks like Mitch McConnell should have been leading the conversion to solar and wind. If I have known about the demise of coal for this time, so should they have. The sun shines and wind blows and water runs in these coal states. Right now, solar jobs dwarf coal jobs in America.

    Trump is playing a very “old” hand. When a Republican told me solar and wind was far more expensive than coal, I said “that is an old argument.” They are more cost effective than coal today. Keith

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very true Keith. Trump is definitely way behind the times on this, as he is with so many other things. But the evidence is overwhelming. If climate is a big issue for any voter, you cannot even think about voting for the current president. No way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jeff, plus even his bluster could not save coal jobs. An energy expert said Trump is not for coal workers, he is for coal owners. Keith

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Absolutely right. That sounds like a great ad for Biden, actually.


  3. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    I’ve written a couple of times in the past week about the West Coast wildfires, but our friend Jeff today shared an open letter to Trump by the esteemed Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, that pulls no punches, that “tells it like it is”! I have always respected Governor Inslee, and now even more so! Thanks, Jeff, for sharing this letter!


    1. Thanks Kim!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Time to rake the forests some more, perhaps hang some air conditioners on treetops should do the trick!
    On a positive note, Trump will lose spectacularly come Nov 3rd!


  5. Reblogged this on By Hook Or By Book and commented:
    Jeff has shared an open letter to Mr. Trump from Washington Governor Jay Inslee which lays out exactly why wildfires are getting worse each year. “It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch,” is an idiotic statement even for a man known for making them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the reblog Kim!

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  6. Reblogged this on Musings on Life & Experience and commented:
    A letter from Gov. Jay Inslee Washington State Governor’s Office to President Trump

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Patricia!


  7. Wonderful letter. Too bad that the addressee won’tread it, and if he did read some of it, he’d just say it is fake news that scientists want people to believe.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So true Dan. I hear he and his administration love joking about climate change and global warming behind the scenes. Well of course they do……

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved where he wrote: “They don’t just happen in the forests; the fire that burned 80 percent of the buildings in Malden, Washington, was a grass and brush fire.”

    I’ve heard from many (including my other-half) that it’s all the “environmentalists” fault because they want to protect certain species. So I guess now they’re interested in protecting squirrels and jackrabbits and groundhogs, etc. Right? SMH

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard that too Nan. But the truth is, environmentalists say there is a better way to remove trees that helps with fire prevention as well as protecting the environment. Unfortunately big logging companies are unwilling to do that. It’s simply more profitable for them to come in a clear gigantic areas and leave it bare. You’d think we could come up with a better alternative, although some states are trying to do it the right way. Let’s face it, much of this is climate change related. Very hot, dry summers and not as much snow in winter are making these areas tinderboxes. As usual, though, it’s all about the $$$$$$$. Look where that’s getting us.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Unfortunately this letter will do no good. Trump does not care and his cult drool over what ever he says, as the truth from god’s mouth to his.


    1. However it is an excellent letter


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